Man, you guys really know how to kick a guy when he’s down. Time to grind for enough of a living to dissociate into the past! Goodbye cruel reality!
Blame this on the misfortune of your birth.
Man, you guys really know how to kick a guy when he’s down. Time to grind for enough of a living to dissociate into the past! Goodbye cruel reality!
Bruh, start charging at a booth and never have to serve food again.
The state appreciates your sacrifice, comrade.
The first section made my nose bleed.
What in the everliving fuck is going on here?!
I showed you my stalk, pls respond.
Worse comes to worst, at least you’re contributing to your community. Plus, you can talk to your squadmates about mounts and pressure pads.
I hope they do an F-22 Raptor next. It’s my favorite.
Don’t threaten me with a good time.
This is why I only use Instagram through Firefox on my phone. A) Meta software ain’t getting installed on my device. 2) The Instagram app fucking melts iPhones.
What is this? A buttplug for wombats?
Abuse the law, you get the claw.
Bet you two woke up real quick.
Well, Khonshu IS an ancient Egyptian deity. They used to do it right, back in the day.
Then it sounds like you value your life and comforts more than you let on, you trolling fuck. Can’t believe I let you suck me in. Be more constructive than just waiting for civilization to collapse in on itself. Shame on you.