You don’t want to be referred to as “Socks”?
john b(rule)own
I’m none of the people you describe, but I’m not a twink (yet™). Can we still hold hands? 🥺🥺
please make it stop
This idea is actually something I wish were true. The main challenge would be preventing accidental touches while still registering intentional touches. However, if that issue gets (mostly) solved, this idea could be very cool.
Imagine having contextual buttons for everything instead of the usual static volume/power buttons. e. g. You open your Lemmy client of choice, and there are side buttons for making posts, making comments, etc. We can take this even further: imagine you used the button to compose a comment, and now the contextual buttons change again to allow you to format your comment (like a WYSIWYG editor).
Also, realistically, if this were to be built, the edges would be curved, instead of the blocky slab shown.
faker than globe earth
well, time for me to try out shrooms ig
The passive-aggressive fullstop gets me LMAO
wink, wink wink, wink, wink wink wink “So, what do you think? Can you handle the job?”
how the fuck do you know so much about my old-man balls?!