Genocide *Palestinian Unit
Genocide *Palestinian Unit
Have you met Japanese? They all look 12yo until they turn 25, then stopped aging again until 45, then 65, then 85.
I would rather have a few extra portable powerbanks to offload some weight.
*Did you mean Bing Bong?
“High score girl” and “Romantic killer”
No ecchi or ero scenes. All fun and wholesome, highly recommended.
Sure it is, grandpa. Now let’s take your pills and go to bed.
and they lives till their mid 30s.
That’s when you need Ex(tra)FAT.
I’m too lazy to check, so how much is it? Is it a one-time purchase or a subscription?
I’m FUCKING SICK of Windows bullshit, but Linux really scare me. My impression is that everything you do on Linux requires typing codes in the terminal, even the simplest tasks would require googling the right codes to type.
Bruh it’s a joke, play off from the fact that almost every other app is Jewish
You still using tweeter? Are you a Nazi?
Guys, I think OP might be a Nazi.
It’s not off, just loading.
Has anyone noticed there’s little to non micropenis pornography?