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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • I had a similar discussion with a Chinese person criticising their ruling party.

    From a perspective ignorant to the competing factions within our parties and their influence, I understand.

    This is almost exactly the same thing they said.

    I’m not trying to put down the USA. I’m trying to make people aware that improvement is needed and that their democracy isn’t as democratic as it should be, or as they might think it to be.

  • I think there is a bit of a misunderstanding here. From an European perspective you do basically only have one party. It ranges from quite a bit to the right to the right extreme. You don’t get to choose through elections - the two wings of the party decide whom you get to choose from. That’s not to dissimilar to the system in obvious dictatorships like Iran, where the candiates are pre-selected by the powers that be.

    Obviously voting for the quite a bit to the right neoliberals is less bad than voting for the extreme right fascists. That goes without saying. But don’t pretend like there is a real choice here.