Daemon Silverstein

I’m just a spectre out of the nothingness, surviving inside a biological system.

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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2024


  • Actually, there is a compilation of all the standards specifications. It’s on W3 (World Wide Web Consortium), where all the technical details are deeply documented (called “Technical Reports”), available on https://www.w3.org/TR/ . To this day, there are 309 published Technical Reports regarding “Standard” specifications.

    Fun fact: while seeking for the link to send here, I came across a Candidate Standard entitled “Web Neural Network API”, published exactly yesterday. Seems like they’re intending to implement browser-native neural network capabilities inside Web specifications, and seems like the “closer future” I mentioned is even closer… 🤔

  • It became difficult as Web technologies grown complexier, such as implementing native CPU instructions through WASM, bluetooth through Web Bluetooth, 3D graphics through WebGL, NFC, motion sensors, serial ports, and so on. Nowadays, it’s simply too hard to maintain a browser engine, because many of the former alternatives were abandoned and became deprecated.

  • Dev here. Javascript engines (especially Chromium) have a memory limit (as per performance.memory.jsHeapSizeLimit), in best case scenarios, 4GB max. LocalStorage and SessionStorage (JS features that would be used to store the neural network weights and training data) have even lower limits. While I fear that locally AI-driven advertisement could happen in a closer future, it’s not currently technically feasible in current Chromium (Chrome, Vivaldi, Edge, Opera, etc) and Gecko (Firefox) implementations.

  • Let me try with the three slots from my Gboard’s auto completion:

    Woman are the same author of this text out to be the initial words that rhyme fill it up on my own machine learning trying not a spiritual practitioner jobs o seguinte sonho e a minha visão… (then Portuguese words start to be suggested at the first slot from Gboard’s auto complete)

    Woman are you doing obsidian mirrors started to get to the nothingness and the moon is more than I do in the morning with the nature of the night sky is upwards of the night sky is upwards… (then it gets stuck in an infinite loop at the second slot from auto complete)

    Woman are a form for a wizard 🪄 (and it ends at the emoji at the third slot from auto complete)

    Now for the plural women:

    Women in a bit I can feel it was just my own personal email to you can notice that I can’t tell if a letter from a random list for example when you have time and the other two images are AI-generated summary whenever I can feel it is the same author analyze it is a text to retrieve it is the same author of this specific picture just a bunch o seguinte sonho… (same situation from first slot with Portuguese words starting to get suggested)

    Women that are upwards of the night sky is upwards of the night sky is upwards of the night sky… (same situation from the second slot regarding the infinite loop at the “night sky is upwards of the” sequence)

    Women and children of light 🕯️ (Third slot, also ends in emoji)

    (For context: I’m sometimes a poetry writer, and I use a lot of LLM to analyze the texts I made, as well as generative AI for generating goth art! also I’m pagan and occult practitioner).

  • I’m on the same road right now, asking myself the same question. I’ve been trying to mentally blending concepts from philosophy (especially nihilism, absurdism and existentialism), science knowledge and esoteric beliefs (such as primordial waters and the darkness before the light, a seemingly constant aspect throughout the many religious faiths) in a syncretic way. As the community is focused on the first, I’ll try to focus my comment to the realm of philosophy.

    Somehow, we think. As Descartes would state, we are existent beings, given that we think. We’re kind of “stuck” with it (with our thoughts and feelings, therefore, stuck with our own existences), something to deal with. We can either (a) hold to the mundane, trying to ignore the vast and dark macrocosmos and microcosmos around and inside us (apeiron) because it’s so shadowy and scary, but it’ll still be there, or (b) gaze into that abyss, see the beautiful yet unsettling eyes lurking in the darkness, while trying to free ourselves from the shackles of the fear we would naturally feel when She looks back. Given the aspects of your question, I guess you did the same as me: you stared at Her, even if unbeknownst to you.

    Here, I’m kind of “personifying/deifing” the infinite nothingness a.k.a. the apeiron, as I see this infinite nothingness with great potential as a feminine energy (I could name Nuith from Thelema, but i’d digress from philosophy), because our very existences came from it, so the apeiron is like the mother of the entire existence (and, therefore, our æthereal mother). I’m aware that apeiron is said to be something that “cannot be described” (ineffable), but the premise still holds: whatever is the nature of apeiron, everything that exists seem to came from there, and it’s going back to there.

    The death is our return to Her waters. Scientifically, we could point out the cycle of nitrogen, water and carbon, the Food Web, the thermal dissipation (especially the entropy and tendency of disorder) and so on. Our natural bodies return to the nature in a seamless fashion. Spiritually and metaphysically, we could point out the anima inside ourselves, our very selves.

    What if we choose the alternative A above, living a finite life holding to the mundane while ignoring the cosmic, without realizing the potential infinite beyond it, until our living clocks reach midnight and our consciousness somehow stays “turned on” surrounded by the vast nothingness, emptier than the void of the cosmos?

    While my approach clearly digress into realms outside philosophy (because of the esoteric components of my approach), it also can offer a potential answer to the question of why we seek knowledge: to connect with something greater than ourselves. To connect to our very selves, with our potentials.