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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • My area has near constant posts about a vehicle driving by someone’s house, accompanied by blurry footage of absolutely nothing of note, and half the commenters are convinced that it’s for a crime and the other half are like, “you know this is a public street with other residents, right?” God forbid a realtor ever takes photos for comps. It’s the fucking mafia, out to steal all of Janice’s lawn ornaments, obviously.

    It’s just an absolute black hole of suck, but I work for a nearby city, so it’s a good way to find out if there are resident concerns that aren’t batshit crazy, so I keep my account active. I can only tolerate about 5 minutes at a time, though.

  • Some did point that out - about 200 other comments fell all over themselves to thank him and blame “kids these days,” though, so it was pretty much the worst. My ex-husband spent a couple decades in the military, and he was suuuper uncomfortable being thanked, so I know that attitude is by no means universal. It’s just cringey as hell.

  • Brb, bout to post this on nextdoor and watch all my neighbors fight.

    Seriously though, this dude made a post on there today about how he’s “been wearing his army gear the last few days and no one has thanked him for his service.” I would walk into traffic if I was ever that embarrassing.

  • My religious family gave up on the “you’re a sinner” lecture after I made it super clear that A) I don’t care and B) I’m not going to argue with them about it. If I got mad or tried to fight about it, they LOVED that shit, but being like, “yup!” and throwing some finger pistols their way and they don’t really have a response besides telling me to not sin. But they can only keep that up so long when you’re like, “oh no doubt, Uncle Fuckface.”

    I mean, I also don’t talk to them anymore so that really solved the problem, but the cheerful agreement that I’m for sure going to hell got me through my teenage years/early 20s. Surprise, I didn’t get less queer even after all the lectures!

  • He’s really not. Most political cartoonists at least try to keep their point simple and based in fact. Ben Garrison doesn’t care if he’s lying, and his point is usually so much of a reach that it’s impressive he didn’t hurt himself getting to it. Not to mention his love of way too much text. If you have to explain the “joke” that much, maybe rethink it.