“Who controls the past controls the future. who controls the present controls the past.”
wiki-user: fxomt
Thanks :D
I define it as the mods and modlog being inactive for 2-3 months or more. Even if there’s still posts it could be considered dead. I personally feel less inclined to post to a community with dead mods than an alive community, thus is why I created this.
Feel free to post your ideas to the community!
It’s a community where you post people with names that were intentionally misspelled at birth, to make it more “unique” but in reality it’s just a really weird. So charlie would be “charleigh”, rafferty as “Raefarty” (true story lmao) or carson as carsyn.
It’s incredibly enterteigning.
Holy shit i forgot about tragedeigh, that was one of my favorite subs of all time 😭
Sad to see it’s dead here :(
Love that place. But i think a community separately for marking unmodded valuable communities, and instead of them being left dead in silence, someone else could take it up is better for it. Maybe i’ll do that, that sounds like a great idea.
If you do so, add other mods and don’t make yourself the only one.
There are a lot of communities with potential with no mods. For example !mentalhealth@lemmy.world. I love that type of community and i’d do it myself, but it’s a very sensitive topic and i’m not sure if i could be up for it x) I’d be very grateful if someone stepped up.
… Hey, you know what? There should be a community for this, unmodded communities.
بالأسف إنني لا افهم اللغة المصرية
يجب عليك تتخيل ان سيزيف سعيد 😔
There is. It’s absolutely necessary, no exceptions at all. It’s one of the only languages that really use it. It just adds to the complexity lol
Your comment made me try to think of one, and all I got was a headache.
In arabic everything is gendered. Even the most simple pronoun “I” changes the form of the sentence based on your gender (ie masculine: “ana ju’an” fem: “ana ju’ana”
Even the numbers and verbs are gendered. To try to add a new gender would be rethinking the entire language.
But in Arabic masculine pronouns are considered normal. Even with feminine objects like the sun, you can use a masculine pronoun “hua kabir” He (it) is big. So most enbies I know of just use masculine pronouns. There may be an alternative I don’t know of. It’s an interesting yet complex topic.
Some non binary people use the pronoun “they” in arabic, but unlike english it is exclusively meant for plural. And in arabic, verbs also are conjugated with amount, So you just can’t say “They ate” in a singular form, you have to explicitly mark “ate” in plural.
It’d be like saying “they ate(plural verb)”. It sounds very weird but there’s not much better.
In arabic we don’t even have neuter or non-gendered anythings, a table is a he or she.
Not even objects are safe 😔
I will never recover from this
His list of crimes is so long I wouldn’t even be able to list it all, but here are the most appalling:
In 1984, after Uday graduated from university, Saddam appointed him chairman of the Iraqi Olympic Committee and the Iraq Football Association. In the former role, he tortured athletes who failed to win. According to Latif Yahia, Uday’s alleged body double, “The word that defines him is sadistic. I think Saddam Hussein was more human than Uday. The Olympic Committee was not a sports center, it was Uday’s world”.
Ammo Baba, whose football teams won 18 tournaments and participated in three Olympics, said that Uday’s punishment destroyed players’ athletic abilities. Baba said that half of the Iraqi athletes had left the country, and many had feigned illness before playing against strong competitors; he reportedly told his friends that if he died suddenly, they would know the reason
at a party in honour of Suzanne Mubarak, wife of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, Uday murdered his father’s personal valet and food taster, Kamel Hana Gegeo, possibly at the request of his mother. Before an assemblage of horrified guests, an intoxicated Uday bludgeoned Gegeo and repeatedly stabbed him with an electric carving knife.
In 1995, during a fight between his maternal uncle Louay and paternal half uncle Watban, Uday shot Watban as well as the other guests at the party. The shooting left six bodyguards dead and Watban seriously injured
In 1987, Uday allegedly raped the 15-year-old daughter of his father’s mistress Shaqraa, a Greek-Lebanese former pageant holder who was the daughter of an oil businessman. When Saddam was informed of what happened, after several hours, Uday was put in prison but released after a short period. Because the girl had not kept silent about the rape, Uday’s bodyguards tortured her with electric batons with Uday present
According to a former employee, Uday would party five nights a week and fast for the remaining two days. The chief of the Baghdad Hunting Club claimed that after a wedding party in the late 1990s, the bride suddenly disappeared, Uday’s bodyguards locked all the doors, and the groom committed suicide. Again, according to the allegations of Uday’s servant, he witnessed forced custody of a crying bride at home in October 2002 and later said that the girl was killed, and her body was destroyed after she was raped
Adib Shabaan said that Uday burned the hips of many women with whom he had sex with a horseshoe, creating a U-shaped scar. Alaa Bashir, the doctor of the Saddam family, claimed that he was treating women who were in the same condition and who had been burned with a lit cigarette by Uday
Uday’s assistant, Adib Shabaan, said: “In 1998, Uday saw an ex-governor’s 14-year-old daughter at a party, had her kidnapped, sent her home after three days, and when the girl’s father was informed about the rape and talked about what happened, Uday told the man, ‘Your daughters will be my girlfriends, or I will erase you from the earth,’ and ordered the man to bring his daughter and his other 12-year-old daughter to his next party.”
According to one of Uday’s close circle, “If the girl he chose did not want Uday, if she found another boyfriend or was late or reluctant, she would have to dance after getting her feet whipped.”
or tl;dr in the form of masterofroflness slop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNiWdIYXAOs
You can post about a dead community without wanting to mod it btw, raising awareness posts are allowed!