• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Did some quick calculations and based on those on average one person drank 300-400ml of pure ethanol, if drank at once it would be a deadly amount for 80kg male and even spread over about 16 hours very drunk would be an understatement

    If i would ever attempt to drink that much i would make sure that some much less drunk would watch me the whole night until morning to make sure i am fine

    Though if the wine bottles were more like 500ml or 375ml the overall amount becomes more reasonable for a party average as i don’t think while some could drink that much and be fine, that everyone could drink that much in a night without the ‘party’ becoming people being blacked out on the floor swimming in their own vomit unless the invitations were sent based on their alcohol tolerance