Technically I’m an archaeologist, I guess.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • Today is worse than yesterday. But at least it’s better than tomorrow!

    In seriousness, though, your 30s will be considerably less garbage than your 20s. Stuff on your body is gonna begin hurting more, and that’s dumb, but you’ll generally have fewer hangups about things and life’s day-to-day gets more enjoyable.

    The world is a flaming hellscape, but not every individual moment has to suck. I figured that out in my 30s 🙃

  • They do the even/odd thing in my area, as well. A couple years ago it was super bad, and there was a full ban for like a whole month. I think people were getting fined a surprising amount for watering.

    After a few years of that to set the tone, watering one’s grass has kinda become unfashionable. At least in urban areas like mine.

  • I am sorry I was not 100% precise with my internet words. I will go count the minority of lawns in my neighborhood that don’t look like shit after work and report back with exactly how many lawns look bad, how many look just okay, and how many are lush and green.

    I retract my overarching point, made via a personal anecdote and which I presumed was clear, that a more sustainable lawn is looked down upon by many people who favor turfgrass while demonstrating characteristics that those same people generally find desirable.

    Edit It also might not have been a full ton of clover. It may have only been ten pounds of seed. Excuse the hyperbole.

  • We have a chunk of our yard (about 30x60’) dedicated to tall prairie grass! I planted it a few years ago not thinking about how prairies aren’t terribly wildflower-dense.

    It was disappointing at first for not being so vibrant, but it’s where our dragonflies like to chill so now it’s the area I’ll protect first. I’ve even considered watering it a few times when it was very dry, despite drought resistance being part of the point.

  • We introduced a ton of clover into our lawn 4 years ago and have been letting it self-seed & spread. It’s been great.

    My boomer-y neighbors don’t like it and make comments, but ours is the only green lawn for several blocks because it hasn’t rained for shit all summer. Plus we have wildflower areas so we also have all kinds of bumblebees, butterflies, and dragonflies cruising around.