1 + 9 = 10 = J
10 + 6 = 16 = P
It’s a reference to television chef Jean-Pierre Bréhier, who has over 2 million subscribers on youtube.
JP opened his first restaurant in the US in 1976. “Coincidentally” called the Left bank.
Meiosis is the sex one 🕺
Oh how lucky she is
Nothing that can’t be solved with more rgb.
Thanks for sharing
Gazpacho every day does this to a person
Would prefer it with some hot sauce
I buy almost exclusivly second hand electronics. The existing market for refurbished computers is large, already.
The ones I buy seem to be written of hardware from companies, that required very little work to refurbish.
I’m simply guessing, but I expect that there’s not much profit to be made, if you take into account your time worked.
There’s not really a question left.
I’m glad you get to feel good. Good for you.
Sad someone got to die for you to feel good. Have you tried hiking?
in your replies to everyone else you’re making a blanket statement that murder is always wrong
Stalking someone, to then kill them. That’s incel turned rapist/murderer behaviour, to me.
You can’t reject other peoples’ nuanced arguments
I’ve genuinely only seen people enjoying murder, saying it’s great because they don’t like the murder victim.
What nuance am I missing, that’s not encompassed by: “they don’t like the murder victim”?
Even in self defense, to me, killing someone is last resort.
I get robbed at gunpoint: i give them my wallet.
I get attacked for reasons beyond my control (gaybashing for example): i’d try to run, as it’s usually a group of people. I’d cry for help. I’d try to inflict enough pain to get away.
I’m at war. I don’t want to be at war. I also noticed people larping here, like they want to be in a war. To me that’s crazy.
I get wormholed back to baby hitler: Wouldn’t kill him. Would encourage him often to persue arts.
More specific to this case: it’s not self defense if you stalk a person then kill them, in my opinion.
That’s incel turned rapist/murderer thinking, in my opinion.
So black and white that I don’t manage to appreciate murder, apparently :)
In my way, I see that as a good thing.
So nothing is changing in january?
So change is possible if you gather sufficient votes?
Politicians have ensured that there is no peaceful, legal pathway to reform. That’s why this happened.
Isn’t there going to be a very big change to US government come january?
Never thought I’d live to be in a Lord of the flies situation. Y’all won’t convince me murder is good. Disgusting.
Is empathy the reason you don’t murder? Hooray for murder if it’s someone I don’t like?
Why Chem don’t get to participate?