I haven’t had a frenulum since infancy (believe it or not, from a near fatal teething incident) and have always been able to do this. I used to frak people out by making my tongue disappear while I was a kid.
I haven’t had a frenulum since infancy (believe it or not, from a near fatal teething incident) and have always been able to do this. I used to frak people out by making my tongue disappear while I was a kid.
Thanks, I’ll check out that tutorial.
How bad is the learning curve? I’ve been cobbling stuff together with Openshot.
I’m sure. However, I am not in a position to self host and videos are huge unless you post them as webm which some people might even report you for.
I post a fair amount of video edits. I’ve had quite a few people say that video playback is far from ideal for not just Lemmy, but the Fediverse as a whole. Is this mostly a 3rd party app thing, or a backend issue? I haven’t had much issue myself, but enough people have mentioned it that there is likely an issue somewhere down the line.
7,200 yen ($54 USD) for 24. It would be fun to try, but at that price it will remain a mystery.
I had been wondering what it reminded me of, and Joomla is exactly it. I haven’t thought about it in ages.