I am a Meat-Popsicle

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I backed up my 2 year old Debian 2 weeks ago and burned it down for NixOs. With the exception of getting Nvidia prime straight and having to learn configs multiple times as I did the start with flakes or home manager, It’s been incredibly smooth sailing.

    It took me two or three days on Debian to get OBS and plugins straightened out. Nix worked with just a couple lines of config. I had Nix back to where I left off with Debian after approximately 2 days.

    Being able to see other people’s configs and dork around with what other people are playing with without screwing up my system we’re going through dependency hell is nothing short of amazing.

  • The primary difference is, I can throw a party, I can have my trans friends gay friends Muslim friends black friends, and Latino friends All in the same room. Then I can leave the room to go take care of something and not have to worry that any one person in the room is going to say “you people”.

    To be very honest I do have some somewhat conservative friends, They mostly worry that legislation will even the playing field and all their lifelong hard work will be for nothing. Which is still a pretty shitty outlook but I can understand it. They spent 10 years of their life putting our kids through college and all of a sudden colleges free.

  • Heh my microwave/oven combo that came with my house, it has wifi capability. I was all NOPE, absolutely not. So I set the clock and went about moving in.

    Next day, it’s off by 1 minute. hmm, I must have caught it right near 00. Next day it’s off by 2 minutes.

    Looking through for options to turn off the clock, NOPE.

    It came with the house so i can’t return it. Dual Oven/Micro combos are expensive as hell. So I can either Have a clock in my kitchen that’s perpetually wrong, set the time on it every day, or put it on an IOT isolation network.

    Microwave/Oven is the most useless integrated appliance.

    At least my washing machine would be able to bug me that it’s done and remind me that it has been sitting for a couple of hours with wet clothes.

  • Colin is my hero but I think his ranking depends on what day you classify him.

    Screwdrive tank driving Colin furze is different from high speed rotating chef knife belt colin furze who is wholly distinct from Colin Furze mining company who doesn’t seek out any permits.

    I can’t quit figure out whether he would be the best or worst neighbor and existence. Still absolutely love the guy though