luciole (he/him)

Doesn’t know the lyrics. Just goes meow meow meow.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • Kids rule indeed. Here Brayndennd, 9, could have wailed his despair at being forced to march for hours through the bleak landscape of the hypermarket. Instead he improvised a live arts performance.

    Acutely aware of the material prison that is the modern North American suburb, the artist has choreographed a striking analogy of his longing for freedom with make do props found in his immediate surroundings. As the character he so strikingly plays attempts to release his soul from his mortal shell with the use of a toilet plunger, Brayndennd offers a strong social commentary on modern urbanism with metaphysical ramifications and ultimately leaves us pondering.

  • You are technically correct. However, “polygamy” as become strongly connoted towards cultish, radically patriarchal communities in which a man subjugates several women in an abusive relationship. If you actually want to be understood without fuss, “polyamory” will get your point across much more smoothly. All resistance to the haphazard evolution of language is futile.

  • Their distance is the hypotenuse of a triangle with sides 5t and t which will be root((5t)2 + t2). So the distance at time t of the ex lovers will be root(26) × t. You can basically grasp intuitively that the speed is indeed constant and equals to the root(26)=5.1 ft/sec. Technically you’d use the derivative power rule to drop the t and get the speed.