Writer | Designer | Musician. Black Muslim. Grey-Ace. Love my friends, games, music, and cute stuff.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • also on that site

    people who go this hard about moderation have never had to run a community before lol. it’s not easy. i think the most annoying thing was the fact that people got mad after the changes were reversed because it was “too quick.” How do you even satisfy people when that’s what you’re going up against?

    like, these admins were being ridiculously transparent and that still wasn’t enough for a lot of people. it’s kinda funny, it reminds me of my sister, although on a smaller scale. she is not very quick to forgive, and we’ve discussed the reasons why. and whilst I understand them, I feel like that mindset dampers her experiences with other people. i feel the same way about this.

  • hi! I also have sleep apnea and have used my cpap for about five years now. what kinda mask do they have on you? I couldn’t use mine at all until I finally got a full seal face mask. they look kinda like this

    is that what they have you using? you say “connected to your nose” which is why i ask - that was a big part of the reason why i was never able to use my cpap.

    the other thing i’d recommend is a CPAP pillow. they’re concave so they let you sleep on your side and stuff without the cable getting in the way.

    that said, not being able to sleep doesn’t always mean that there won’t be any results. i wasn’t able to sleep the first time i did a sleep study but they were still able to get info from my position, the way i was breathing, etc. so it might not be a total lost cause! either way sorry you’re dealing with this, al lthe stuff around sleep apnea is so shitty. it took forever to even get a new machine despite clearly having sleep apnea for years as well.

  • Nothing major to be honest! But I enjoy my solitude personally. The biggest one is probably remembering to move around. In my office I would get up and get water or something as an excuse to let the blood flow, but that’s gone now. So I have a standing desk that I have automatically shift from standing to sitting every 60 minutes.

    Which is the other thing: my setup clears anything a work office could give me.

  • i love working from home lol. today I got to play street fighter 6 during my down time, go for a walk, weight lift, make breakfast and lunch, and still get a lot done.

    I’m lucky to be in a position where my manager trusts me as long as stuff is done when it needs to be. i appreciate the flexibility and being able to get more sleep. and save so much money on gas, lol. like literally hundreds of dollars in the past few months

  • possibly tangential but i ran an FFXIV free company for a while called the Sailers of Eorzea. Built a nice little community of friends that would play twice a week and had a blast. Lots of great memories . Still friends with that crew, we’re all in a guilded server but don’t play nearly as much after not liking endwalker that much and yoshi-p constantly casting foot-in-mouthaga every time he talks about FFXVI.

    other than that, redwall RP forum lol

  • i’m mint, u may have seen me on Cohost as well. i actually used reddit quite frequently for news aggregation. don’t have to tell u why that’s starting to go out the window lol. lemmy seems like a neat alternative!

    I’m 29, officially getting my Masters in UI/UX next Friday, and I like vidja, music, tech, reading, and writing. i have a blog that I’ve been posting on for an ungodly amount of time at this point, I make music on Bandcamp, and I like to make games every once and a while. I’d describe myself as “prolific” - not in the sense that I’m popular, but that I just love making things. in fact, mintmakesthings was my twitter handle before I dipped from there too.

    lastly, I’m a virtual creator that streams on Twitch! i haven’t recently, but that’ll be picking up soon since SFVI is dropping.

    (I didn’t link any of that stuff because uh I dunno it feels a lil too self-promo-y but if anyone wants to see any of it let me know!)