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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I know it isn’t food safe but it is 10 mins or less and if you are cooking it as ground meat and you break down cook it fully then you are pretty unlikely to have bacteria issues. I wouldn’t do it to a roast where the outside is going to be defrosted way longer than the center.

    Also the best thing is to freeze ground meat in thin layers, like one pound in a large Ziploc so it is less than 3 cm thick and defrosts fast without the hot water.

  • The fastest way, like 15 mins is to take the sealed package of frozen meat and put it in a container with hot but not boiling water. The meat will act like an ice cube, cooling down the water and other than the very center of the meat it will be ready to cook right away. This is really only good for ground meats because you can fry, flip, and scrape off the frozen center bit while browning the rest of the meat. Still better than microwave defrosting.

  • From Wikipedia: Toma lived under the name András Tamás (Андраш Тамаш). A Czech linguist of Slovak descent, Karol Moravčík, identified him as Hungarian, and on 11 August 2000, Toma arrived back in Hungary where his family was identified through DNA matching. Since he was never discharged, Toma was promoted to sergeant major by the Minister of Defense, and since his military service had been continuous, his decades of accumulated unpaid salary were paid in full.

    At least they didn’t screw him out of his military pension.

  • I’m glad his life is going to get more complicated. Depending on his actions during his time spent working as a Nazi, he might be deserving of punishment up to and including hanging. I’m all for the abolishment of the prison state, but that does not include Nazis. Intolerance has no place in society or society will eventually fall to those intolerant who gain power.

    If he killed 100 civilians because they were Jewish or disabled or gay then moved to Canada with a clean slate do you think he should face no repercussions just because he got old?

  • Give the Democrats a 4 person majority then 5 conservative Democrats will Hum and Haw about fiscal responsibility to their voters.

    It is really up to hard progressives to get in and vote as a block to keep the Dems from passing watered down policy by forcing them to earn the blocks vote with real policies the public already want.

    Medicare for all, free college, 20 dollar minimum wage and more all all supported by way more than 50 percent of the country.

    The Dems want to lose these fights for their donors they need to be forced to do their job against their donors wishes.