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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2023


  • As far as I’m aware, unless you’re already B12 deficient, the B12 in 5hr Energy doesn’t do much of anything because it already hangs around in your blood stream for a long, long time. Half life on B12 in the body is something like 6 days and excess is even stored in the liver instead of excreted.

    Can’t speak to the other ingredients but I’d guess it’s all the same: either it’s already available in abundance if you’re eating a decent diet, or the half life is close to that of caffeine

  • Not even. I can’t speak for others but the effects of 5hr Energy pretty much disappear after those 5 hours are up. Half the caffeine dose isn’t enough to do much of anything, at least for me. So it’s essentially a waste. I’m sure it depends on things like BMI but to get 5hrs of half-assed energy you’d need to consume 3/4ths of a dose, which would leave you with roughly half the experience of a 5hr Energy (that is, half the difference between the caffeine in your system immediately after drinking one dose and 5hrs after drinking one)

  • neatchee@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneCouple goal rules
    2 months ago

    Caffeine has a half-life in the human body of approximately 4-6 hours. So this means that the “5 hours” in 5hr Energy is just the amount of time it takes for your body to process half the caffeine away.

    Therefore drinking half of a 5hr Energy would be 0 hours of the advertised level of energy. At best it would be like drinking a 5hr Energy and then immediately fast-forwarding 5 hours

  • And that is the patriarchy in a nutshell: a system that is advantageous to men, and then teaches men to consider any critique of that system as a whole, rather than of individuals, a threat or insult to be stamped out with vehemence. The people who do this shit genuinely believe that it’s unfair to be treated this way, never realizing that their attitude provides the infrastructure that allows thereally bad people to continue doing what they do.

    It’s like ACAB; it doesn’t necessarily mean that every cop will abuse a minority given the chance, but that nearly every cop actively participates in a system that enables and protects the abuse of minorities, and that it is impossible to distinguish who the select few truly “good” cops are.

  • You’re still not listening and it’s obvious you don’t want to. You seem incapable of stepping outside of your own lived experience and considering the experience of others. You take everything personally, rather than looking at why the generalization might be valid even if you consider yourself an exception.

    I’m a 6’1" burly, hairy, white guy with a deep voice. My wife knows I couldn’t hurt anyone. The stranger on the street does not. So I don’t take it personally when women get startled in public if I’m unexpectedly boisterous near them. And I wouldn’t take it personally if, given the chance, a woman chose to create space between us on an empty street at night.

    The fact is, other men have made the world harder for us. And that sucks. But not nearly as hard as they make it for women. So if you’re going to be pissy with anyone, aim your disdain at the shithead men who created this situation instead of the women who just want to feel safe.

    It’s easy to demand women “don’t discriminate” against you. It’s hard to demand men behave better. That’s the difference between punching up and punching down. Learn to punch up instead of taking the easy way.

    And to head off the obvious counter argument: it’s different than race because men actually, demonstrably hold positions of power and privilege over women simply by being men. The same is not true of skin color, etc. Again, punching up vs punching down.

  • You’re not listening. YOU are not portrayed as a predator. YOU need to take a backseat for the betterment of the lives of the victims of injustice. Just because something isn’t your fault doesn’t mean it’s not your responsibility to deal with it when you are in the class of people benefitting from the injustice.

    As the other commentor said: punching up is very, very different than punching down.

    When a specific person treats you, specifically, poorly because you’re a man, THEN you can talk about how you are not a threat, and try to convey that you are actually an ally (which is questionable based on your reactions here). But when there is a conversation about average behavior and expectations, side with the victims. You are not a victim. You do not lose more than you gain from being a man. Maybe you get weird looks when you’re solo-parenting but you still make $1 to a woman’s $0.79 or whatever the number is today for soemeone in the same job.

    So please, stop focusing on yourself. It’s selfish. Try to think about the bigger picture. And yeah, take one for the team when it comes to memes about bears

  • Gee, I wonder if there are other groups of people who have been painted with one brush. Perhaps the is a group that is assumed to be less skilled at STEM jobs. Or another group assumed to be more prone to criminal behavior. Wouldn’t that just be something? /s

    We men, especially we white men, get a fraction of the same treatment women and minorities have been getting for hundreds of years and freak out over how unfair it is. And that’s an excuse to demand everyone use kid gloves when talking about these issues?

    If you’re only doing the right thing because people recognize you for it, I suggest you may not really be doing the right thing. If you’re a good person, then you should understand why the average woman may show fear and caution when encountering an unknown man.

    Things like the bear meme aren’t asking about YOU. When people say “I’d rather choose the bear than a man” they aren’t saying every man. Yes, the generalization stings when you think about it being applied to yourself. But if you truly understand the issues and the hypothetical you understand that the answer isn’t about you. It’s about what women have learned to expect when encountering a man they don’t already know well enough based on prior experience

  • Yeah, I don’t particularly care if an adult having sex with a child is important to the plot. It is no different than the “she’s actually a 2000 year old kami” trope. Adults of any kind having sex with children of any kind = instant bail from me. I’m sure there’s interesting plot to be had, and character growth. Which makes it a shame that “giving the lolicon a chance to fuck a child” was part of it.