Edited to add them. Pretty much every community that they’ve created is problematic in content or purpose, beyond them being a self-identifying fascist.
Edited to add them. Pretty much every community that they’ve created is problematic in content or purpose, beyond them being a self-identifying fascist.
Much appreciated. I can never remember who to bug on the unix comms. It’s ashton1593
🪨🇺🇸🦅🎶 Rock, flag, and eagle! 🎶🦅🇺🇸🪨
Balloons are elastic. This would be more like a plastic bag. Plus, there’s more than water in poop, or there should be unless you’re having a really bad time.
Likely because of the pressure that experienced when the feces mines through the colon.
Because the undigested corn kernel husks are filled with poop.
As fascists, they’re all dead on the inside.
It’s only imperialism if it comes from the Imperialism region of the West. Otherwise, it’s just sparkling authoritarian expansionism.
Dr. Tobias Fünke unavailable for comment.
Probably a terrible idea. I do also have a sacrificial HP in the garage to rip apart and try to implement a FOSS/OSHW controller for at some point. Maybe I’ll try with that eventually, supposing I can hack together a nozzle.
That picture always reminds me of a SysAdmin that I worked with a while back at a DC. He was an old school Perl and BSD guy and always smoked unfiltered rollies.
Oh no. Now I’m thinking about whether I can make fountain pen ink work in my ecotank printer.
A fellow former startup employee, I see.
I just thought it was like, an ability.
For me, it’s more a dis-ability as it makes it hard to concentrate on the conversation that I’m in or task that I’m doing.
That’s one of the awesome things, at least with my local library, which is about a 5-10min walk from where I live. Nearly every service that they offer is available online, if you have a card. The card is free and the only time that I’ve had to go in in-person was to verify my address.
While I was there the librarian even walked my through apps that are useful for managing digital loans, etc. Libby being the one most useful for ebook and audiobook loans.
The public library is also free and accessible via the Internet. And it has awesome librarians that I can reach out to if need be. Additionally, utilizing the library’s resources can help demonstrate their demand and justify budget allocation.
Through the Internet. I just needed a library card to log in, which I was able to sign up for through the Internet as well (did have to bring evidence of residency in to have it fully instated).
Purple is not a wavelength of visible light. It is a mixture of blue and red. However, it does look a lot like violet, which is a range of wavelengths of visible light.
you’re going to need more than an internet connrection.
Absolutely. Chances are that what you need is a library card from your local public library. When trying to learn more about graphene semiconductors, I couldn’t find the paper that was referenced in articles anywhere that wasn’t paywalled. After a contemplating for a while I checked my library’s site and, sure enough, they offer free, searchable access to academic journals.
No apologies needed! I’m just happy that my fellow SDF folks are on the same page here.