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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it

    And if the shoe were on the other foot, these hate-filled creatures would not hesitate for an instant to have any dissenting voices squashed and their speakers shot.

    There is NO moral obligation to cater to bigoted, violence-inciting fascists. In fact, the moral obligation is to NOT cater to bigoted, violence-inciting fascists.

  • For eight goddamned years already we’ve been subjected to their “idea” - more like “mockery” - of Free Speech.

    They’ve had their chance, and they proven over and over and over and over again that they act in bad faith, that wherever they rear their sick little heads, they are there to deliberately fill with noise, to fill with lies, to doxx, to corrode.
    Nobody hates Free Speech as much as THEY do, and it’s not even close.

    They are a bigoted, stubbornly-ignorant circlejerk that incites violence, that wants to watch the world burn.
    These creatures delight in the suffering of others, and should be dealt with in the exact same manner as this space should deal with Al-Qaeda or NAMBLA if they decided to plant their unholy seed here.

    Free Speech doesn’t figure into it anymore, not after all the shit that’s gone down for the past eight goddamned years. A line was crossed a long, long time ago.

  • Religion that worships The God Of The Desert is still stuck in the Middle Eastern desert five thousand years ago, when science was non-existent and even writing/reading was a rare thing, as baffling to most people then as the inner workings of AI are to us now.

    The principles and values (some sensible, some nonsensical and dangerous in the present world) of people living in the desert five thousand years ago are still being hammered into our minds as children by those who had it hammered to them as children also. Some break free of this conditioning in view of modern evidence, some do it partially, some don’t do it at all.