• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 1st, 2023

  • So the certs end up in these files:

    • /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
    • /etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt
    • / etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt

    Only the first one is mentioned on stackoverflow as being used by Go on debian.

    Curl seems to have its default location compiled in by passing --with-ca-bundle , but after installing curlFull and running curl-config --ca, it doesn’t look like that was used and the “default” path is guessed.

    Looking further in the curl derivation there are these lines for darwin :

    lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [
          # Disable default CA bundle, use NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE or fallback to nss-cacert from the default profile.
          # Without this curl might detect /etc/ssl/cert.pem at build time on macOS, causing curl to ignore NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE.

    So, check the value of NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE outside nix shell and within. The path might have to be set there. I dunno how to do that automatically with nix shell, so it might have to be done manually.

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  • /usr/share/nginx/html/nix-cache-info

    That indicates your nginx is probably still using the default config.

    This is the default config in nginx.conf

    user  nginx;
    worker_processes  auto;
    error_log  /var/log/nginx/error.log notice;
    pid        /var/run/nginx.pid;
    events {
        worker_connections  1024;
    http {
        include       /etc/nginx/mime.types;
        default_type  application/octet-stream;
        log_format  main  '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" '
                          '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
                          '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"';
        access_log  /var/log/nginx/access.log  main;
        sendfile        on;
        #tcp_nopush     on;
        keepalive_timeout  65;
        #gzip  on;
        include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;

    Reading the dockerhub page for your image it states

    Customize configuration

    You can mount your configuration file, or build a new image with it.

    If you wish to adapt the default configuration, use something like the following to get it from a running nginx container:

    $ docker run --rm --entrypoint=cat nginx /etc/nginx/nginx.conf > /host/path/nginx.conf

    And then edit /host/path/nginx.conf in your host file system.


                - name: nix-cache-storage
                  mountPath: /data
                - name: nix-cache-config
                  mountPath: /etc/nginx/sites-available/default # this should be /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

    You might want to take some configuration options from the default config like the user, worker connections, etc.

    Good luck.

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  • onlinepersona@programming.devtoNix / NixOS@programming.devMy nixos experience
    2 months ago

    Quite the ride you had there. I rarely reinstall even if my system is borked and just fight through everything until it’s fixed. I can understand not having that kind of time though.

    This is when I realised I can’t recommend nixos to normal people. If for any reason you need to install sth. that is not in the packages you are fucked.


    After thinking about installing it on a friend’s laptop, I too ran into the issue of not finding some software and realised it would be me playing packager and package maintainer. It’s simple to install Debian and call it a day.

    However once I managed to get the update working i wasn’t able to login into x11 anymore and Wayland seems inperformant in gaming.

    This is definitely a reason I don’t want to use wayland yet. Maybe in a year or more it might become my main, but until then X11 it’ll have to be.

    However, why do you need to boot with NVIDIA? Does GPU passthrough not work if you don’t? What type of VM are you using? KVM?

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  • I don’t know why nix isn’t able to output a plan of stuff it has to do, but anyway, what I’ve done is just install the thing, then nix --query --referrers $storePath. You can do the same with every free-image-unstable you found in your store.

    Also, you should be able to grep the .drv files for the store paths of each free-image-unstable and find out what was passed in to build them. My hunch is that the package was an input to other packages that needed to activate or deactivate build options. Maybe one package needed a specific feature and another needed yet another --> multiple builds.

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  • sequenceDiagram
        Computer->>+Nameserver: Where's wikipedia.org
        Computer->>+Wikipedia: GET /
        Wikipedia-->>-Computer: return /

    Here is the simplified sequence diagram

    As you can see the request to wikipedia itself does not go through a nameserver, only the DNS request does. It’s the entire reason Firefox has the option to proxy DNS queries over the proxy: to avoid DNS leaks

    Right now, all that should be happening is DNS requests being proxied, not the rest of your traffic.

    There’s a huge difference when I enter https://one.one.one.one/help/ normally with "Use system proxy settings" in my browser and when I enter it with a "Manual proxy configuration" with the SOCKS Host set up and "Proxy DNS when using SOCKS v5" checked on.

    To me that indicates the DNS proxy through TOR isn’t actually working with your dnscrypt setup 🤔 However it’s difficult to debug from here. It’s possible the DNS query is slow, but because the actual HTTP request is going through your standard internet with no proxy it’s fast, and when you do turn on the proxy for HTTP/S requests, you observe actually using TOR for everything and thus the latency.

    Could you run these commands please

    # Find which process is running the local DNS server
    sudo ss -plant | grep ":53 " # alternatively sudo netstat -plant | grep ":53 "
    # Check your DNS resolver config
    # You can share it or not, but MUST be in it, otherwise your DNS queries aren't being encrypted/proxied
    cat /etc/resolv.conf
    # Measure how long it takes to query a new domain name
    time dig techhub.hpe.com
    time dig bash.org
    time dig element.io

    If you feel comfortable with it, you share the logs of dnscrypt (I don’t know what kind of information is in there, so you might have to clean it).

    journalctl -u dnscrypt-proxy2 or just systemctl status dnscrypt-proxy2. Either here or PMed. Here are encrypted pastebin alternatives.

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  • I don’t think that’s a correct assumption. DNS just resolves domain names to IPs. When you access a website, if the IP isn’t in your dns cache, it will look it up and that’s the only part that should be going through dnscrypt. The actual request to the site goes to the IP directly. To use TOR across your entire system, it should either be used as a VPN or as a system-wide proxy. Dunno how to set that up though…

    You should be able to at least activate logs for dnscrypt and see which DNS entries are being requested. To have a deeper look into your traffic, the only thing I know of is wireshark, which can sniff all your packets. You should be able to observe your DNS request going to dnscrypt, possibly through TOR (I doubt the packet tracing will work, sequence numbers or something should be disrupted by going through TOR), then a request going out to the IP it found over HTTP (port 80) or HTTPS (port 443).

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  • I love the idea! It has to be accessible to noobs. In my mind it needs a wizard that walks you through the basic steps:

    • what you would like to host (advanced wizard gives you more options e.g apache, nginx, …)
    • where you would like to host it
      • optimally it should help the user pick a service (registry of VPS, dedicated server hosts, private cloud, …)
      • connect via API token or walk user through purchasing a server/service
    • the domain name you would like to use
      • optimally this would integrate with domain name registrars
      • let you pick a domain name
      • purchase it
      • walk you through creating an API token or take you to a webpage explaining how to point it to an IP
    • connect to server/service to install services and possibly admin UI

    Basically, it should be possible for any old fart to go “geee, I would like to have a website/service”, download the tool, click through a few steps, and have everything up and running by the end without knowing a goddamn thing about the internet or even that nix/nixos is used in the background.

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  • To answer your question: no guideline (as is typical with nix).

    I always check https://search.nixos.org/options first. There’s a chance it’s a package which requires setup or even a service that has extra config. If it’s not there, then https://search.nixos.org/packages is next.

    When multiple come up, it depends which prefix or suffix they have. Prefixes like pythonPackages. either mean the package is written in a specific programming language with its own packaging intricacies and its easier to keep them under that prefix, other prefixes like neovimPackages. mean it’s a package for a program and something like a plugin or so. Probably more prefixes exist.

    There are some agreed upon but badly documented suffixes (the usual nix style). But if it’s a version suffix, then it’s up to you to decide which one to use. In a comment you mentioned julia, well that’s a programming language so you have to choose the version you want. Sometimes the manual has information on how to use the programming language or one of the wikis.

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  • Uff, I don’t have any links and haven’t been tuned in too much, but amid all the toxicity on the forums, the nixos foundation got funding from some defense contractor and that kicked off a shitstorm. The forums became even more toxic than before with pro and anti defense contractors, which led to an open letter attacking the creator of nix and threatening with a fork.

    Amongst all of that a nixos maintainer called jonringer became a polarising character and was banned (?) temporarily. He recently wanted to join again and that kicked up the dust again and it’s likely he won’t be able to contribute anymore.

    A bunch of stuff happened in between like the creator of nix stepping down from his position (Benevolent Dictator For Life or something? dunno), many maintainers quitting, the foundation kind of giving in to the anti defense contractor crowd but the crowd not being satisfied and the pro-camp neither. A fork called auxolotl was created, but they don’t want jonringer in it either, and probably other stuff.

    It feels like jonringer has a few people behind him but I don’t know if he would have enough support to fork nixos 🤷

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