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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • I already commented on your older post so I’ll just copy-paste what I wrote:

    Let me tell you, if your interests keep changing and you’re easily bored, you’ll get bored of every new hobby you find. Thing is, boredom is inevitable even when we do things that are pleasurable, so you might as well find something you actually like and “elevate” yourself in some way (be it physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, you name it).

    I’m a psychology student and I love what I study. Is is fun? No. Do I get bored often? Hell yeah. But god I love doing it, because at the end of the day I feel enriched and with a new perspective on the world. Every single time I decide to persevere through difficult or boring material instead of booting up a game or watching YouTube I feel so much more myself.

    And mind you, I’m terrible at this. I struggle so much to keep myself from getting into the hyperstimulation rabbit-hole, and I often spend whole afternoons jumping from one thing to the other (not necessarly games/social media, often I keep jumping between books and articles and projects every 10 minutes without ever finishing anything), but it’s a process.

    That said, I would suggest someting like music production. You can get as wild as you want with technicalities but it’s also creative. I recently discovered Pure Data and it scratched that itch of both doing something creative and learning something technical.

    Whatever you choose, embrace the boredom! It’s part of everyone, it’s part of life. The hardest thing is getting started (e.g. I stayed up late to work on a new hobby and the next day I have no desire to get back to it, but as soon as I start doing it again for as long as ten minutes I’m absorbed again), often you’ll fail but it’s not a race. You could also get back to an hobby you started a while back but approach it from a different perspective (for me Pure Data did it with music production and coding), so that you’re not overwhelmed but don’t have that feeling of “already seen” neither.

    On a side note, mandatory “are you seeking professional help” question. If you’re not, start doing it. If you already are, good job! It can feel slow at times, maybe you keep talking about the same thing (or change topic everytime) and feel like you’re not making progress, but it will yield its result in the long run!

    Good luck with everything man! I know you’ll get something out of this situation :)

  • Let me tell you, if your interests keep changing and you’re easily bored, you’ll get bored of every new hobby you find. Thing is, boredom is inevitable even when we do things that are pleasurable, so you might as well find something you actually like and “elevate” yourself in some way (be it physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, you name it).

    I’m a psychology student and I love what I study. Is is fun? No. Do I get bored often? Hell yeah. But god I love doing it, because at the end of the day I feel enriched and with a new perspective on the world. Every single time I decide to persevere through difficult or boring material instead of booting up a game or watching YouTube I feel so much more myself.

    And mind you, I’m terrible at this. I struggle so much to keep myself from getting into the hyperstimulation rabbit-hole, and I often spend whole afternoons jumping from one thing to the other (not necessarly games/social media, often I keep jumping between books and articles and projects every 10 minutes without ever finishing anything), but it’s a process.

    That said, I would suggest someting like music production. You can get as wild as you want with technicalities but it’s also creative. I recently discovered Pure Data and it scratched that itch of both doing something creative and learning something technical.

    Whatever you choose, embrace the boredom! It’s part of everyone, it’s part of life. The hardest thing is getting started (e.g. I stayed up late to work on a new hobby and the next day I have no desire to get back to it, but as soon as I start doing it again for as long as ten minutes I’m absorbed again), often you’ll fail but it’s not a race. You could also get back to an hobby you started a while back but approach it from a different perspective (for me Pure Data did it with music production and coding), so that you’re not overwhelmed but don’t have that feeling of “already seen” neither.

    On a side note, mandatory “are you seeking professional help” question. If you’re not, start doing it. If you already are, good job! It can feel slow at times, maybe you keep talking about the same thing (or change topic everytime) and feel like you’re not making progress, but it will yield its result in the long run!

    Good luck with everything man! I know you’ll get something out of this situation :)

  • Yeah man, we Italians are unbearable when someone from other countries DARES to even THINK about modifying the holy recipe. And I kind of get it. I, too, cringe when I see people putting ketchup on their pasta or shit like that, but I eat sushi with Philadelphia cream cheese in it so what right do I have to criticize ketchup on some pasta or pineapple on a pizza (which is actually freaking good when done well)?

    At the end of the day, the cool thing about cousine is how it changes and evolves around the world and through the years. Jesus, most of the recipes we consider “traditional” didn’t even exist one or two centuries ago (some of which were invented, at least in part, by american soldiers in italy during WW2, and generally come from external influences).

    We Italians are a bunch of snobby conservatives when it comes to eating. Well, we are a bunch of conservatives when it comes to anything, but that’s another story.

    P.S. This whole concept of topping and sauce is completely alien to me, here we have “white” (with no sauce) and “red” (with tomato sauce) pizzas, and put a bunch of stuff on it

  • Depends on the context, like what world it is and where the room is located, and so on.

    I suppose it’s in a building that people have access to except for that one room, and that it’s a world where, while not particularly sophisticated, explosives exist, so it should at least have very strong walls. If magic exists you might want to avoid using it for this purpose as it often becomes a “because” kind of explaination, but you can use it as a tool (e.g. an obstacle that can only be overcome with powerful magic, and the magicians who are capable of such power can be counted on one hand).

    If magic is a no-go, maybe it simply requires a specific kind of key to open (but maybe it’s too high tech for your world?)

  • I feel you brother/sister. But I find it liberating to throw away stuff, be it physical or digital. Sure there’s probably some cool stuff I’m throwing away, but I’m also clearing my headspace.

    I remember hearing someone saying that if you can’t get yourself to clean up your desk/room/house, you should at least clean up your digital space to get more focused and relaxed during work/study, and I can confirm it works. When I don’t feel like studying I reorganise my desktop and folders, or my phone homescreen, and the act of making order really helps with focus