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Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • the US is a fractal scam. At every level, everything is an attempt to extract money from ill-informed “suckers”, from the running of the government, to the prices of supermarket groceries, to the tipping culture at restaurants, to even finding a place to put your car [1]. Every single thing is someone’s grift. In order to function in America, you need to be willing to be suckered to some extent. There’s no way around it. Unfairness is baked into every transaction, and increasingly more social interactions.

    What a quote. I will add that “we” also like to believe we have the most fair system. And in many ways, the “gotchas” are much more hidden and systemic than other countries. For example, you might be scammed haggling with someone in Southeast Asia, but we get scammed everyday by credit card companies making bank on every single transactions.

  • Work on yourself and build self efficacy. Yes, it’s hard, but it’s incredibly fulfilling when you can do things that you previously can’t. If you want money and you’re young, try to figure out what you’re good at and also what society seems to need. Whether that’s a skilled trade if you like working with your hands, or programming if you like that, find something at that intersection of what you’re good at and what people will pay you for and get really good at it.

    Exercise consistently, go out and get some sun, set goals for yourself. I find that our digital lifestyle has really trained our brain for instant gratification constantly chasing that dopamine hit. But the real world doesn’t function that way.

    Who cares if you’re a bit weird, everyone has their quirks.

  • I think we need to separate copyright, patents, and trademarks.

    Trademarks are obviously useful and helps the consumer distinguish between products.

    Patents incentivize the sharing of novel technology by granting short term monopolies. But many patent systems around the world are largely besieged by trolls. IMO, patents should be tied to intent to manufacture. If you don’t, it should expire sooner. Your example about shenzhen tech scene is mostly around this issue of patents.

    Copyright on the other hand, is intended to allow artists to gain monetary rewards from their work. This one is probably the most complex especially in the age of AI. I don’t have good thoughts there, as there are so many edge cases. I definitely agree the length of copyright is way too long.

  • First look into more cooling bedding, bedding materials make a huge difference.

    For example, in much of east Asia, summer bedding involves sleeping on bamboo or straw sheets. Some people even use woven pillows that are hollow.

    I’m sure there are lots of other tropical and subtropical cultures with interesting sleeping habits we can learn from due to them routinely sleep in 30+C weather with 80%+ humidity.