• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • Jojo’s is already a work of comedy, but take what it already is and now imagine Joseph and Jotaro with thick cockney accents, Avdol as Bob Marley, Polnareff gains +6000% “HON HON BAGUETTE” style and Kakyoin is a drunk Australian half-assing his lines

    Edit: in this hypothetical dub where every character is a caricature of themselves, Hol Horse remains entirely unchanged from original

  • App name is very likely referenced inside every class file. Changing the name triggers a change for every file in the project. Depending on the version control software it may consider that grounds to re-download the entire file on update.

    The actual change may have only consisted of 180mb of changes but it affects 34.1GB of files.

  • And Earth is a place where pretty much everything stemmed from the same evolutionary trunk. We are far, far more closely related to octopi or centipedes than we would be to anything that evolved outside our biosphere. In fact it’s pretty likely that we may not even recognize alien life as being alive, at least in the sense we are used to. A silicon based or argon based life form would exist and operate in a completely alien manner (heh) to the carbon base that we’re used to seeing.

    Moral of the story being, the chance of humanoid aliens existing is a miniscule fraction of the chance of alien life existing at all. Much more likely that we’d scan right past an alien lifeform and quite possibly not even notice it was there, especially if we’re busy scanning for carbon-based Earth style life forms. Gotta keep your eyes and your options open, because the end result of a completely different evolutionary timeline will inevitably produce a completely different style of creature.