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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • Reminds me of a joke my grandfather used to tell. A guy bought a new suit from a tailor at a significant discount, and took it home to show his wife. He put it on, and his wife was not happy. “It is a nice suit, but look how it bunches up around the waist! And look at the way the collar pokes out. Also this sleeve is shorter than the other.”

    The guy went back to the tailor, and the the tailor said “Oh, yeah, all you need to do is tug on the crotch a little, and it smooths the waist. For the collar, just tuck it here under your chin. And for the sleeve, just scrunch up your shoulder and they will look even.”

    So he wears the suit home, scrunching his shoulder, tucking his chin, and tugging on the crotch. At the bus stop, two old ladies see him, and one says to the other “Oh, look at that poor man,” and the other replies, “Yeah, but what a nice suit!”

    The joke works better when told in person.

  • No, I never saw that sub when I was over there, but I’d wager my comment would apply equally well to anything posted there. These kids today with their words for problems we ignored.

    ARFID is a very real phenomenon that is staggeringly common, and yet we have very little information on the causes or fixes for it. Treating it like the kid is just being “picky” leads to food avoidance, binge eating, obesity, and eating disorders. “Just stop being picky” didn’t work, and was a criminal neglect of duty of care among parents and doctors.

  • Oh no, some scientists studied a common phenomonon and gave it a big-wordy name! Next they’ll probably study the root causes and test hypotheses for treatment under scientifically rigorous conditions! Oh the horror! Why, in my day, we just whacked the kid with a wooden spoon so they’d eat their four servings of dairy and fruit juice and go get a job they don’t deserve to be paid for.

  • Because they’ve been watching it from the beginning.

    Imagine if suddenly China discovered the Simpsons, and also the Simpsons had been telling a cohesive narrative from the beginning until now where the characters grow and change. Then China translated every Simpsons episode to Mandarin and Cantonese, and then they made a live-action Simpsons show with real actors, and they started by covering early stories from Monorail to Who Shot Mr. Burns.

    The Simpsons has been on TV for 10 years longer, and hads made over 750 episodes since its debut in 1989. One Piece debuted in 1999, based on a manga that came out in 1997, and has produced over 1,080 episodes.

    So if the Simpsons suddenly became popular in China, that might skew the search results on Baidu, but it’s not going to dramatically alter perceptions of the show in the USA.

  • Fair points both. I was going for more of the hypocrisy and lack of effort regarding appearance, and the double standard. Being a misogynist isn’t the default position, and it takes effort to be an asshole. Not to mention, a great sense of humor and a kind personality smooth over a lot of physical imperfections.

    And you’re right that luck and circumstances have more to do with your absolute success than anything. But relative success is often within your sphere of influence. Of the things you can control, your effort is most likely to be highly correlated with relative success. Sometimes the deck is stacked against you, and in those times just surviving requires phenomenal effort. But that’s still a form of success.

  • themeatbridge@lemmy.worldto> Greentext@lemmy.mlAnon is a racist
    10 months ago

    Obviously, this is ridiculous, but how many seemingly normal people have analogous dreams.

    “I want to run a company, but never went to business school or managed people.”

    “I want to invent the next killer app, but need some people who know how to program.”

    “I want a smoking hot, submissive girlfriend, but I am out of shape, spend no time on my appearance, and have trouble speaking to other people out loud.”

    Athletes, musicians, investors, writers, artists, we want it all and we want it now.

    What are you doing today to fulfill your dreams? You’re not going to win the lottery. You’re not going to be “discovered” by someone in power. You are the source of your success. Set your goal and work towards it right now.

  • One time I was 7, and playing pictionary with the family. The word I was supposed to draw was “urn” which I thought was “urine”. I was giggling but I dutifully drew what I thought a penis was supposed to look like, and liquid dripping out of it.

    I don’t have a lot of memories from that age, but the looks on their faces is seared into my memory.

  • The Kenshin animated series skips most of the hyperviolent stuff and starts after the war. You could start with that show, and watch the OVA later when they are more mature.

    Agreed on OG Dragonball. My son showed interest in DBZ, and I thought it might be good to go back and rewatch the series to get caught up. I started my own rewatch and was shocked at how sexualized it all was, especially given the ages of the characters. And it’s not even like side-plot fan service you can skip. Bulma, a minor, is flashing people left and right to get what she wants, including obtaining Dragonballs.