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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023

  • whodatdair@lemm.eeto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    7 months ago

    Alternative text: Me, sacrificing my health by sleeping too little so that I can be paid the absolute minimum that my corporate overlords can get away with, while extracting the most value possible from my labor.

    Time to get eatin’ 🍽️

  • whodatdair@lemm.eeto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneYou are valid rule
    10 months ago

    Yah this is more the sexuality side of it, but I think anyone who id’s as lgbtq+ can probably relate at least a little. I bet even asexual folks have felt relieved by not feeling guilty for not being attracted to people.

    I took it as a “I’ve finally become comfortable with the thing about me that society beat me into internalizing as wrong, fuck yeah” moment.

    I love recognizing these similarities in our experiences - solidarity amongst queers is good! Apes together strong 🦧🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈💜

  • whodatdair@lemm.eeto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonelong shot rule
    1 year ago

    Yeah I can understand that - sometimes the lows can feel super low, but they wouldn’t feel so low if there weren’t highs to compare them to. 😉

    I know I’m giving a lot of unsolicited advice here, sorry! I have one more piece though - imho don’t focus on the actual act of finding a partner so hard. I think what has worked best for me was being open to relationships while working on myself. Fuckloads of therapy and putting effort into figuring out and dealing with all the twisted bullshit inside my own subconscious really made being in and keeping relationships less difficult. Finding a therapist you jive with is a godsend for that, and very worth the effort.

    Also. For the record, it’s not abnormal to go through a bunch of relationships before you find the right person. Don’t feel alone in that, you aren’t.

    You sound like a strong person, I think you have more of a chance than you give yourself credit for. Joo kan do eet! 😁

  • whodatdair@lemm.eeto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonelong shot rule
    1 year ago

    Aw I sorry gurl, that’s fuckin rough.

    Remember that there are tons of people who have survived terrible things and gone on to live happy lives. Humans are more resilient than we give ourselves credit for, I think. I don’t know you but I bet you’ve made it through some shit and survived, and nobody is ever beyond healing. ❤️‍🩹

    Don’t give up, you always have a chance at happiness if you can work your way through the darkness. Please don’t end your life, one of the best things I ever did was decide not to go through with it - I’d have missed out on the happiest parts of my life so far if I had let myself give in.

    Also, for the record nobody is stuck with anybody for ever. I have a friend who went no contact with his family and he’s fine.

  • whodatdair@lemm.eeto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonelong shot rule
    1 year ago

    Hello Ashley! Sorry you’re feeling down, it seems that when it rains it pours sometimes, eh?

    Just remember that it’ll pass. I always try to remember other things I’ve overcome when I’m feeling beat by a current ordeal, reminds you that you’ll get through whatever this is, too.

    Anything you wanna talk about? :)

  • Yeah, this is the sort of shit tucker carlson and alex jones spread - the elite globalists (which totally isn’t an antisemitic dog whistle, trust us) are gonna make the poors eat bugs, better be scared and on our side cuz we’re against the people who want you to eat bugs

    They take articles where researchers talk about how easy it is to farm bugs for protein (which is then heavily processed) which could help with global food supplies. They take the news that people are exploring it and twist it into fear mongering bullshit as if we’re going to be forced to eat bowls of crickets with a spoon. Idiotic.

    Don’t get me wrong, the inequality gap is growing at an alarming rate but spreading far right memes does not help. Want to stick it to the rich? Fucking unionize.

    To bring it full circle, the title about Pullman is a great thread to pull - look into the history of the pullman riot and the town of Pullman, Chicago. Literally the story of why we have Labor Day as a National holiday in the USA. People literally fucking died over unionization because the elite fear it so much.

    But no, be scared cuz they’re coming to replace your lunch with bbq crickets.