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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • Well said. 13 years on my belt here as well. Deleted all posts and comments and never looked back.

    I mentioned this in other threads as well, but only after quitting did I notice how the Reddit of today has actually not much in common with the site I joined many moons ago.

    In the beginning it used to be a mostly text-based clunky forum type deal. And that’s how I kept thinking of it throughout the years. While in reality, more and more of the most upvoted content recently has been the same braindead short video stuff as on other social media sites. Short attention span moving images; little to no actual substance. The Dopamine Slot Machine Doom Scroller ™ patented and honed to perfection by our Silicon Valley Overlords.

    It was only after quitting the Snoo cold turkey that I realized how much this kind of content was numbing my brain, how I waded through the stupid daily in search of in-depth forum-type threads, only to find less and less of it.

    So yeah, all of this has been a net positive for me for sure.

    Feels a bit like the proverbial frog being slowly boiled to death in shitty content without ever noticing, because the enshittification was so gradual.

    So I guess, thanks /u/spez?

    EDIT: fatfingers

  • Well said. Louis Rossmann made a post with a similar angle yesterday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U06rCBIKM5M

    But yeah, the complacency is real.

    It’s funny how people are posting on reddit how reddit sucks and how there are no good alternatives, saying the alternatives don’t have critical mass in terms of user numbers, while it’s literally this beavior that prevents said critical mass.

    People love to whine and talk about grandstanding. But as soon as there are even minor changes to their personal convenience, many give up and roll over.

    It’s sobering but have we as humanity ever been different? Radical change is often not driven by communities but by individuals.

    Personally I look at it like this. Groups of humans are by definition stupid. The larger the group the lower the average intelligence.

    Therefore I don’t think communities can ever truly “act as one”. Your best bet is having enough individuals that all have the wisdom to make similar independent choices. It may look like “the community” is doing something but we’re still just talking about individuals.

    Edit: words