Covid, WFH, Musk, The fall of Twitter, Netflix plateau, Reddit Blackout, Crippling interest rates, Trump, Decentralisation, Tech Antitrust, Ukraine

Adding in Edit: AI, Climate Crisis, Nazis, Fascism, Democratic backsliding, automation, mass unemployment, rising homelessness, wild fires

How are you feeling these days?

We sure do live in interesting times

    1 year ago

    Since Citizens United it has definitely had the feeling of a smash and grab here in the US. Like, everything was going realtively steady, but then the rich yelled “Riot!” and we’re all sitting here watching them break the windows out of stores and grab fistfuls of our national wealth and resources.

    The greed is just so incredibly out of control, like a wall-eyed frenzy. It’s really unsustainable and gives the sense that the ultrawealthy have already decided imminent collapse is inevitable so they’re just gonna get theirs.