This frustrated the fuck out of me when it happened. In fact, it was a big disappointment all around, since Hope and Change was not at all forthcoming. In my own case Obama’s adherence to Bush doctrine and refusal to move the status quo much was what drove me from liberalism to the far left, and Bolsheck choruses have been following me around ever since.
This frustrated the fuck out of me when it happened. In fact, it was a big disappointment all around, since Hope and Change was not at all forthcoming. In my own case Obama’s adherence to Bush doctrine and refusal to move the status quo much was what drove me from liberalism to the far left, and Bolsheck choruses have been following me around ever since.
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It drove me into nihilism (I’m a gen-xer so it wasn’t a long drive). I’ll never trust any of these assholes again.