Bro if that shit failed to perform then it’s on them for failing to manufacture enough. The demand was there. And it out performed the Xbox whateverthefucknow.
Wasn’t the reason they couldn’t produce more because of the semiconductor shortage?
Partly, but scalpers buying up what inventory there was for reselling was absolutely rampant as well
Yeah, but then they still sold the unit. How would that hurt their sales numbers?
Scalpers were holding a lot of them and raised the prices so ppl gave up and got another console or a PC altogether. This may not be majority but definitely a singinificant difference and just 1 example for that.
Yup. Sales numbers good, but brand loyalty down which isn’t good for future sales
Bitch, you couldn’t get one for a year cause of how quickly they were flying off the shelves. The fuck you mean it didn’t sell well?
Well…I mean…that was mainly because of the lack of stock… well and scalpers didn’t help.
Like there was giveaways to get the opportunity to buy them… yeah sure they sold plenty but some people had to wait a long time to be able to get one and it wasn’t because people went crazy buying them alone.
But yes it sold well with that I agree. That said nobody said it didn’t sell well here so not sure where your comments comes from.
In the beginning of IGN’S post, it clearly says “after sales failed to meet expectations”, which just means it didn’t sell well.
What were their expectations? PS4 sold 117M globally. PS5 is currently 54M, and it was severely supply constrained by chip shortages at the beginning of its run. If this didn’t meet expectations, then their expectations were out of wack.
I’m just doing the math, but if the ps4 sold for 200 at launch, Sony made about 23.4 billion, and if the ps5 cost 500 at launch, Sony made 27 billion. They made less sales yet still did better than with the Ps4.
PS4 was $400 at launch.
Though, tbh, it’s game sales that drive their profits. Consoles themselves are on thin to negative margins.
Technically PC is a failed platform as it failed to meet my 2 quadrillion sales to date. It will never get a PC2.
The only non-failed platform is Java, which is used by 3 billion devices.