• colinA
    6 months ago

    “Spoiler effect” is so dumb. like oh, i’m the bad guy for voting for the candidate that you agree is better than the one you voted for??

    give me a break. i’m literally not the one to blame for that.

  • Cyborganism@lemmy.ca
    6 months ago

    We don’t know what Biden is saying behind closed doors, but I’d be willing to bet my left nut that he’s really angry at Netanyahu.

    Bibi knows he would get full support to wipe out Gaza from Trump.

    Biden is still trying to help within a certain frame by sending aid and asking Netanyahu to stop killing civilians. But that’s only as much as he can do without completely pulling all funding, weapons and ammo. But there’s risks associated to that. Especially with the threat of Iran in the middle East. He doesn’t want to lose the support of one of the only allies, if not the only one, in the region.

    The whole thing is very complex. There’s lots of things at play here and it’s all a bunch of shades of gray. Nothing is black and white.

    However, there’s only one thing that’s really important here. Trump must lose. A Trump win would be devastating for world peace. I don’t think Americans understand enough how much their country is a central pillar for world peace. The Gaza genocide could be nothing compared to the world wide cluster fuck we could be in if Trump wins.

    So get your heads out of your asses, swallow your fucking pride and do the world a fucking favor by voting for the only candidate who still has a chance at not bringing a third, and possibly ultimate, world war.