Mine is going to be laid back if all goes according to plan. I’m going to do some birding with a friend tomorrow morning, then I’m headed to a used bookstore to buy a copy of “the pricess bride” that I talked myself out of the other day (I’ve never read it). Then I’m hitting the farmers market and then relaxing at home for the foreseeable future. Enjoy your weekend!
I’m getting off a medication that give me extra panic and anxiety so I’m taking as much anxiety medication I can and sleeping it out of my system hopefully! Fingers crossed!!
I’ve been there too, remember that even if you didn’t have the medication to sleep through the weekend, YOU WOULD STILL SURVIVE.
Of course there can be a difference between a horrible experience and just a bad one, but sometimes the little phrases we can repeat to ourselves in our head can go a long way to providing peace and calmness.
I hope this doesn’t read like it’s easy to handle this stuff, it’s not, but hopefully you will find the strength when you need it!
Oh I’m so glad you’re getting off it! I hope the meds help with the transition.