belated again, we’re once again busy but everything continues to run smoothly. hoping for no huge migration, also we’re updating to 0.18 Soon

i am unimaginably sleepy

    1 year ago

    Feeling good so far: I’m working toward my Salesforce Admin cert and I spent the morning learning about some cool reporting functionalities I never used in my past sales roles.

    Also finally finished some severely-delayed Spring cleaning: I gathered a bunch of stuff to throw away a few weeks ago, but got sidetracked and left it sitting by the stairs until my brain labeled it “furniture” and forgot it was there even though it was a giant pile of clutter in plain sight. (Does this happen to anyone else??)

    I also went to Trader Joe’s and found a unicorn: a tired, unenthused cashier. But right as I was about to say “you really don’t have to give commentary on my purchases, it’s cool” another cashier ran up and complimented my haircut. Darn it, maybe I’ll escape next time. At least I know jaded Trader Joe’s cashiers exist now.