I’ll keep this short and sweet. Some random guy on the internet compiled together and summarized a bunch of climate research papers analyzing global trends and a bunch of different slow actors that are all going to kick in soon like the permafrost in Russia or the polar ice caps etc.

While I have not yet gone through the sources the author links and quotes extensively, this still has me extremely worried and I think that unless society somehow drastically changes and devotes a significant effort in doing something about it, we’re all going to die within half a century.

I’m sorry for bringing doomerism into a safe space like Beehaw, but I’m scared and I can’t sleep.

Also I’m not going to link the document in question because the author goes on a rant about billionaires and greed, and while I haven’t decided whether or not I agree I’m not sure the tone fits the community.

Sorry again and have a good one !

  • Art 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    My strategy to cope with this has been to realize I’m just a tiny blip in the history of humanity. Of history, we only know a few Big Name People. Doesn’t matter if they were rich or poor, smart or dumb. For one reason or another, they are Named in history. But there are billions who are not named, billions who had worries, joys, short and long lives, and we will never know them. And nothing has stopped because of it.

    So I try to live my life as best as I can, find joy in what I can, and try not to think too deeply about climate change. It is out of my hands. Short of living in a cave eating bugs and drinking water from a rain puddle, I cannot do anything. I already don’t own a car, or leave my home for anything, let alone travel by ship or plane. The only “waste” is being alive, and I’m thankfully past that dark stage of my life where I would have done something about it.

    Honestly, at this point I’m curious to see what happens. I guess it’s a morbid curiosity, like slowing down near a car crash.