• Neptium@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    As someone from this part of the world I feel like I am inclined to breakdown this hilarious article.

    Promoting these communities as a vehicle for China’s geopolitical ambitions has become something of a mantra in Beijing, often wrapped in bland rhetoric like building a “shared future.” But in seeking to incorporate citizens of other countries into its vision, critics say, Beijing is stoking divided loyalties, and their potentially destabilizing consequences, across Southeast Asia — home to more than 80 percent of the ethnic-Chinese people outside China and Taiwan, researchers say.

    This is often said but China is acting very restrictedly, dare I say completely non-antagonistic compared to the West if we look at history.

    Compare how foreign European settlers were utilized by European geopolitical goals in Southern Africa. Nothing remotely close ever happened in Southeast Asia, in which, like the article itself mentions, is where an overwhelmingly majority of the Chinese diaspora lives.

    “If too many Chinese Singaporeans are foolish enough to subscribe to Xi’s version of the ‘China Dream,’ the multiracial social cohesion that is the foundation of Singapore’s success will be destroyed,” said Bilahari Kausikan, a former permanent secretary of Singapore’s Foreign Ministry. “Once destroyed, it cannot be put together again.”

    I don’t think someone who authored a book called “China is Messing with Your Mind” is a neutral actor, but sure.

    according to an examination of more than 700 Lianhe Zaobao articles through 2022 and early 2023 by The Washington Post and the Australian Strategic Policy Institute.


    Additionally, the paper has been running regular opinion columns since 2016 from at least two CCP officials without noting their party affiliation, referring to them simply as China affairs commentators.

    Super based. There’s too many anglophone Western worshippers in this damn region (anything more than 0 is too much).

    (I am different, I am an anglophone who hates the West zoidberge salute 2 )

    Beijing sees Southeast Asia as a key sphere of influence, and it has been increasing its public diplomacy and media presence there as part of a multibillion-dollar campaign under Xi, with ethnic-Chinese communities a significant target, according to researchers.

    Yes because we are neighbours with a population of almost 700million - same as the Latin American population and how the Yankees treat them as their backyard (to kill everyone they disagree with).

    It’s only you white-washed Western worhsippers who believe in Eurocentric understandings of International politics, including the “rational” nation-state, liberal democracy and the “end of history”. It is not a “sphere of influence”, it is a logical conclusion of Southeast Asia’s millenia long interactions with China. India should also try to learn from it’s roots and engage in peaceful diplomacy - but we all know why they can’t.

    Chinese state television in both Chinese and English is ubiquitous in Southeast Asia, as is China Radio International, which broadcasts in most Southeast Asian languages as well as Chinese. Beijing is also promoting its official news agency, Xinhua, to media organizations in the region, creating content-sharing agreements. Chinese companies or businesspeople with strong commercial interests in China have bought up local Chinese-language newspapers in Malaysia.

    American state television is also ubiquitous in Southeast Asia - what is their point?

    Should I even mention the utterly cursed Filipino News Ecosystem?

    Apart from these direct efforts, the sheer weight of China’s economic power has become an incentive to heed Beijing’s wishes, undermining traditional constraints in Singapore on taking sides.

    The West would never do what China does!

    The paper is one of three main vernacular newspapers in Singapore, each serving a predominant ethnic group — Chinese, Malay or Indian. The majority of Singapore’s 5.4 million people are bilingual, proficient in English and one other language: Mandarin, Malay or Tamil.

    To the dismay of European colonizers who destroyed their own linguistic diversity for “nation building”.

    Zaobao also partners with a Chinese company that has been pinpointed as complicit in rights abuses. In late 2022, Zaobao started working on digitization efforts with an artificial intelligence firm called SenseTime, which has been placed under sanction by the U.S. government for the use of facial recognition technology against the Uyghur ethnic minority.


    Propagating a pro-China line that “doesn’t distinguish between the Chinese Communist Party state, Chinese culture, Chinese ethnicity” creates “confusion over self-identification and where loyalties should lie, especially at a time where friction between the PRC, the U.S. and other U.S. friends and allies in the region are increasing,” said Chong, of the National University of Singapore.

    It can only be miscontrued as “pro-China” if you fall into the West’s centuries long struggle against us practicing our own cultures and perspectives.

    Only in the West and anglo-brained liberals think that we can’t celebrate diversity and be proud of our cultural heritage. As we all know here, the large aspect of the Amerikan cultural appartus is assimilating those who are different, so even if people are phenotypically different, they are all part of the same individualistic devil spawn (Amerika) and can’t even talk positively about their culture without self-hatred.

    Friendship “associations are designed to build emotional links to China on the one hand, and allow the United Front department to use those emotional and other connections as levers to serve the goals of the Communist Party, whether economic, political or social.”

    Elderly Chinese, who were Mandarin-educated and feel as if they’ve lost their place in a Singapore that is largely Anglophone, are the most easily swayed by Beijing’s messaging, analysts and residents said. One person who describes her parents, in their 70s and 80s, as having “extreme” pro-China views said the CCP has become like a “fictional hero.”


    Overall, I say 2/10 for effort. For the West to act like they celebrate cultural diversity, they seem really intent at perptuating myths of “divided loyalties” that got many (working class and Communist) Chinese people killed in 20th century Southeast Asia.

    Maybe they do not actually care? Just a thought.

  • o_d [he/him]@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    I couldn’t get through the whole thing, but this part made me lol.

    More recently, the paper deferred to Beijing’s narrative on topics including last year’s “blank paper” protests against covid-19 lockdowns and CCP rule, as well as in coverage of the Chinese surveillance balloon shot down by the United States in February, in which stories routinely implied that the American reaction was irrational and a symptom of decline.

    The “Chinese surveillance balloon” was nothing more than a hobbyist weather balloon, but let’s just skip over that because it doesn’t fit the narrative being presented here.

    • MarxMadness@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      They say this as if the entire balloon news cycle wasn’t “deferring to Washington’s narrative.”

  • ElSteve0Grande@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    I wouldn’t say losing its mind. Definitely some click bait title there on your end. It just goes into how the Chinese ethnic population in Singapore, which is a city state in Malaysia, are aligning more with the Chinese Communist party. An example is not believing in human rights abuse against the Uyghurs in China. This divergence will lead to unrest ultimately, and will impact the successes of the city state. I debated even posting but most people won’t read the article and just go based on your title, which is inflammatory.

    • diegeticscream[all]🔻@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      An example is not believing in human rights abuse against the Uyghurs in China.

      Let’s play the game show:


      WHAT - IS - YOUR - SOURCE?

      The family friendly game where you have to support your claims instead of spewing garbage.

      If you can find a source for your claim that does not reference:

      • Adrian Zenz
      • The CIA.
      • Radio Free Asia.
      • Rushan Abbas.

      Then you win the vaunted prize of me leaving you the fuck alone!!! 🙅‍♂️🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑

      Careful now, the clock is ticking!


    • LarkinDePark@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      An example is not believing in human rights abuse against the Uyghurs in China.

      Jesus. How is any grown adult still believing in this ridiculous claptrap?

    • MarxMadness@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      An example is not believing in human rights abuse against the Uyghurs in China.

      1. How would you characterize the Iraq War, which the U.S. started on a totally fabricated premise, and during which the U.S. indiscriminately killed (by low estimates) hundreds of thousands of civilians? If you don’t think that’s at least as bad as whatever you believe is happening in Xinjiang, you’re working from a heavy bias.
      2. Why would I trust a country that’s just spent the last few decades killing Muslims all over the globe to suddenly give a shit about Muslims in China? Why would I trust them over all the Muslim-majority countries who are fine with (or even support) China’s policies in Xinjiang?
      • ElSteve0Grande@lemm.ee
        1 year ago

        I mean, yeah you’re totally right. However, it is definitely off topic. I know I’m being down voted to oblivion. I did make the correlation of human rights violations to the Uyghurs, whom were not specifically listed. The article left it at just violations. Either way, it’s a very semantic argument. I was just pointing out that a large news publisher wasn’t “freaking out” and rather just reporting some drama happening on the other side of the globe. I did get lots of replies on an otherwise empty comment section, so at least there’s engagement. Which is why I’m here.

        • MarxMadness@lemmygrad.ml
          1 year ago

          How is pointing out bias and the absurdity of trusting the U.S. over Muslim-majority countries off topic in a thread about anti-China dogma in the U.S.?

    • Neptium@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      It just goes into how the Chinese ethnic population in Singapore, which is a city state in Malaysia, are aligning more with the Chinese Communist party.

      Malaysia has and will continue to be more Pro-China than Singapore ever will be you dumbass.

      You don’t even know what you are talking about LMAO.

      In the arena of SEA politics, the most Western friendly countries are: Phillipines (neocolonial comprador puppet state of the US), Singapore (glorified tax haven for which International Capital uses as a node for value transfer, and to better control the geopolitically important Strait of Malacca) and Papua New Guinea (neocolonized by Australian companies).

      Singapore isn’t a “city-state” in Malaysia, it was booted out of Malaysia to fulfill the comprador Malay feudal classes interests here in Malaysia, that the British acquiesed because containing Communism was more important.

      This division can still be seen as a modern-day example of a colonial scar, remaining unresolved because of past and present Western influence.

      But surely and steadily this will be removed and our countries will be reunited. That is the logical conclusion of indigenous economic integration, as history has shown.

      • GarbageShootAlt@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        Singapore isn’t a “city-state” in Malaysia, it was booted out of Malaysia to fulfill the comprador Malay feudal classes interests here in Malaysia,

        I know nothing about this subject. Is it sort of like what happened with Hong Kong and/or Macau?

        • Neptium@lemmygrad.ml
          1 year ago


          I think the key point you need to know is that most of the political parties in Singapore, and all the left-wing ones in Malaysia before independence and even after, wanted a unified country, and many in Malaysia even sought for a “Pan-Indonesianism” which would fit into the historical cultural realm of the Malay archipelago (the spoken lingua franca of the entire region prior to European influence).

      • ElSteve0Grande@lemm.ee
        1 year ago

        Well you seem very well informed, can you explain to me the difference between a city state, and a nation? Is it size? Is it governmental structure? Is it historical?

        • Neptium@lemmygrad.ml
          1 year ago

          Honestly I didn’t care much about your use of the term “city-state”, I don’t know why I put it in quotes in the first place.

          My main contention was you called it “in” Malaysia, when the whole point was Singapore was excluded from Malaysia purposefully. I apologise for my brash response - I was really annoyed at that, especially after reading the original article shared here.

          However I can say that nation and state are not synonymous. Nation-state is specifically a European concept in which was then retroactively applied to non-European cultures. It still has it’s uses especially in International Relations but we must be cognizant of the fact that what it entails isn’t universal.

          Nation is more ambiguous and more culturally specific, it could be on the basis of a shared linguistic, economic, religious, cultural, or ideological history. It could be all at once or just one.

          In the context of Southeast Asia, what it means to be part of the same nation is typically evoked to be those who practice the similar cultural norms, had similar shared histories, spoken certain dialects and languages. So it may be more useful to think nation as “ethnicity” but even then I wouldn’t say is entirely accurate. I will have to say that this understanding doesn’t include any sort of “blood quantum” rules or anything to do with biological lineage. That was and will always be a specifically Euro-Amerikan tradition.

          Many countries are not nation-states, which would include countries like Bolivia, Indonesia, Laos, Viet Nam, China, India and South Africa. Studying them would be a good choice in understanding the nuances of nation, state and nation-state. Concepts like Plurinational State and Civilizational State is of key importance.

          Even technically the United Kingdom is not a nation-state, although that is contested.

          They key thing that binds them all is that a multitude of different cultures and ethnicities are practiced within the same territory and doesn’t rely on a dominant identity (race, ethnic group, religion) for “nation-building”.

          Others in this site may be able to provide a better response than I.

          • ElSteve0Grande@lemm.ee
            1 year ago

            No that was a great response, thank you. So basically they are different countries. Is the popular thought for them to rejoin? Sorry if I’m assuming you know. Honestly SEA is my weakest point for understanding cultural norms.