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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • An example is not believing in human rights abuse against the Uyghurs in China.

    1. How would you characterize the Iraq War, which the U.S. started on a totally fabricated premise, and during which the U.S. indiscriminately killed (by low estimates) hundreds of thousands of civilians? If you don’t think that’s at least as bad as whatever you believe is happening in Xinjiang, you’re working from a heavy bias.
    2. Why would I trust a country that’s just spent the last few decades killing Muslims all over the globe to suddenly give a shit about Muslims in China? Why would I trust them over all the Muslim-majority countries who are fine with (or even support) China’s policies in Xinjiang?

  • War crimes are committed by every side in every war. Unless there’s evidence that one side is committing some wildly disproportionate amount/severity of war crimes (I’ve seen none here), pointing out one side’s crimes and getting outraged is just doing propaganda.

    The one possible exception here is pointing out your own side’s war crimes in an effort to minimize them, controlling what you can control. There’s certainly no effort to do that on the Ukranian side.

  • To me, this reads like a CIA guy selling people on the idea that a modest step away from the dollar as reserve currency is the end of the world. This is “if you give people healthcare we’ll be commies tomorrow.” Look at how this is couched:

    if the BRICS+ use a kind of Liberty Bond patriotic model, they may well be able to create international reserve assets denominated in the BRICS+ currency even in the absence of developed market support. This entire turn of events—introduction of a new gold-backed currency, rapid adoption as a payment currency, and gradual use as a reserve asset currency—will begin on August 22

    If this, maybe that, a mention of the developed world as if they’ll peacefully let the market decide and not violently react. This is drumming up fear, not a sober prediction.