
Leftist, horror movies, programming, dumb obscure indie games, angry techno, deathcore, enjoyer of theory.

ghost might be a reference to spectre or just a play in a trapcore artist name…

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • and they delude themselves that they are part of the “in group”

    It really is this aspect that seems to cause a lot of the suffering. Like just in general. I see a bit of this whenever people argue against a minimum wage increase to a living wage and part of that is that they currently make some essentially arbitrary amount that is more than a minimum wage so they fear that it would put impoverished people closer to where they are class-wise. So many arguments that I have had just to lift my fellow humans even a little bit out of a shitty life and people just seem to dig in their heals. The CEO of McDonald’s isn’t gonna let you ride on his yacht, Travis, no matter how many times you try to reduce the workers to “burger flippers”. Sorry for this turning into a tangent/rant… I’m in a gloomy place right now lol.

  • I wasn’t even really aware of this here until I joined in the marches after George Floyd was murdered. Started working a bit more with our local PoC figures and it became an eye opener. I try to help where I can with drives and awareness but with being vaguely involved with local politics, when funding for these areas get brought up it always falls in dead ears. They tried to get money for a park and cleaner water but we really needed a new baseball stadium instead, ya know?

  • I was just gonna say that this has to be an urban segregation thing. Our Walmarts where I am at are mostly in predominately white neighborhoods. We don’t have anything really behind glass except tobacco. Meanwhile our PoC dominant neighborhoods have barred windows on their gas stations and liquor stores. These are also coincidentally the most underfunded neighborhoods. Yet our Walmarts are by half a million dollar homes. It’s by design but I think that is preaching to the choir. Solidarity for my PoC comrades.:(