• I mean… the DNC is solely responsible for the rise of neoliberalism, so…

    How many RINOs out there can you count on to block GOP bullshit the way Sinema and Manchin cockblock the D caucus?

    DNC tolerates way too much conservatism. They only do it, though, in order to turn spots on the map blue. It’s about winning, not about policy.

    • Ghostalmedia@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      the DNC is solely responsible for the rise of neoliberalism

      Neoliberalism is commonly associated with conservatism and the economic policies of America’s right, not the left. Although presidents like Clinton were fairly big on neoliberal economics. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neoliberalism

      The term “neoliberalism” can be kind of confusing because it contains “liberal” in it. Socially liberal and economically liberal are pretty different things.