the big stickied thread is getting cluttered with lots of new people and the “how was your week” thread isn’t a great fit for introductions, so it seems about time to make this a dedicated thread of its own so peoples’ posts aren’t getting lost.

tell us a little bit about yourself, folks. don’t gotta be too specific or revealing, just whatever you want to put out there. this’ll be a good way of getting to know all the people you’re now on here with

    1 year ago


    I’m just a middle aged guy living in Maine, US. Love my family and try to raise the kids as well as I can to be good humans.

    Music is my religion. Mostly 90s grunge, alternative, and power pop, but really I just love a good song.

    Comedy, video games, movies, books…I like consuming media.

    Obviously part of the influx of Reddit users. Always happy to see the fediverse grow though.