I use geh Firefox forks mull and fennec, I occasionally use vanadium. I just like privacy but tor is overkill for me

  • Firefox on PC and Android. I’ve been using it almost since it came out.

    But in the early days, the UI was super slow and extensions tended to slow it even more, so I moved to Chrome for a few years.

    Then back to Firefox, but the devs caught an attitude and didn’t want to listen to users, so I moved to Edge (Chromium) for a couple of years. Apparently, the Firefox devs did end up listening, so it’s all good again.

    • Joshua@beehaw.org
      1 year ago

      Man, your comment encompasses Firefox perfectly.

      I switched from Firefox to Chrome back when Chrome first came out. Switched back to Firefox after a bit, but Firefox was so slow and janky, and they screwed over all extensions, that I didn’t last long before returning to Chrome. Switched to Edge Chromium, and now I am back on Firefox since the manifest v3 news.

      Firefox is still jank. There’s currently a bug that breaks label printing on Firefox, and despite many people reporting it to Mozilla, they just haven’t fixed it or acknowledged it. The Android version is so clunky, and it has taken them years to release pull to refresh, and when they finally did, it’s extremely buggy.

      It’s really a love/hate relationship with Mozilla lol

      • It’s really a love/hate relationship with Mozilla lol

        Pretty much! And yeah, the Android app also has so much drama going on. They changed the app and didn’t allow extensions for a while. Now they only allow a few (?). I remember being pissed about GreaseMonkey because I used my own script on a website and I had just decided to try it out on my phone, and bam! the update killed GM on the phone.