Or maybe just a pile of money kinda lookin’ like Jabba the Hut.
Or maybe just a pile of money kinda lookin’ like Jabba the Hut.
This is why conceptualizing and planning is so important in design lmao
You could have the greatest idea in the world, and all people will see is FART.
Same with the harsh 90* angle in the CA/TX border. That’s Utah, baby! 😎
Reminds me of gyms. Constantly lauded by the bigoted type but exist to make men burly and sexy and sweaty. lmao
I live in deep blue Utah with connections to the punk scene. The political apathy that has been expressed to me, while simultaneously wearing badges of pride and shit makes me want to vomit. Pure aesthetic bullshit, made even more hypocritical under the banner of ‘punk’.
Same with rap in the 90-00s and even still to this day to some extent.
And I’m pretty damned sure some moderate liberals were wrapped up in it as well. It is America after all, where everyone’s a judgmental bigot.
Sounds like you don’t understand Palestinians, if you’re going to paint them with such broad strokes.
I think it’s supposed to be like, “Heinz”, the brand that makes them.
Gross overwork is most probably coming from corporate demands, while prideful work is most probably done in a way that one might view as either hobbyism or business ownership.
Big difference in those two; one being coercive.
What good reason is there for a gas station on a highway cruise liner, though?
Aren’t fantasies fun?
Fakie half cab lip, my guy. Maybe nollie 180 lip slide.
Same thing.