The hunger, voraciously clawing at his belly, is never sated. He, must, consume
The hunger, voraciously clawing at his belly, is never sated. He, must, consume
What other fuckable colors do they have?
Affection is against traditional family values!
All of my brothers in arms are now the mindless undead, bound to their armor… help?
String cheese isn’t real cheese 🧐
If you’re cold, they’re cold
ATF casts Canis penetratio plumbum
I grinded the arena for days one time, leaving the game boy plugged in. Had to restart when I messed up and got the dude killed though 😜
Felling 12 with one blow coming right up…
So I just need to become the town gossip to harness this power? Sorcerers having charisma as the primary stat is starting to make sense
Comes before the fall
Is this science based?
Too bad I have no executive function!