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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 20th, 2023

  • Great advice if your goal is to be destructive to yourself and others. I am recovering from abuse and can for sure say that nothing good has ever come from, or will ever come from anger. We’re all angry from time to time. And it’s still destructive as its only quality. Being violent in thought or action is not useful. Ever. Only apologists hiding from reality will say that being angry was good. Every scenario you can pose is better met with good temper. Even under actual physical attack, a calm collected response leads to superior outcomes. There is no real world use for anger. It is a remnant hunter gatherer feature.

  • You are fully aware I assume, that he shut your unhinged insane narcissistic allegations down. Which makes all your consequent babble all the more psychotic in nature. Not a great look for you to abuse these serious things as weapons in your personal shadowboxing tournament against strawmen. You’re illusory feud is over. You can stop embarrassing all people that care and yourself now

  • Kids sexuality, who they choose to fuck and how they want to look, just isn’t anyone else’s business, always has been a perfect signal later for broken toxic people, and now right wing bigots won’t shut up about it. Grow up. Yes I am telling an entire political party to grow up. It’s been an issue too long, if you really can’t stop your poisoned voter base and media followers to stop being this cringe, you just have to start over then. Disassociate with them. It’s over, this is such an annoying childish issue to be hearing over and over and I don’t even live in your country. Please for the love of God stop allowing wounded babies to politicise kids sexuality. It’s so tiring that none of you stop the fucking madness and approach normal political discussion when this happens. Just don’t engage. Say “no” to the bigot and engage another more grownup in debate instead.

  • It has hypercapitalistic anti consumer merit

    It’s not okay to make excuses for it

    It is purely to make profit of a customer seen as incompetent

    Just because it’s a valid business case for making money

    Even if to prevent bad experiences on their premium product

    Nothing other than a failure of the capitalist system

    No need to excuse it