I haven’t watched anime in years but looking at my anilist apparently I thought highly of concrete revolutio. I don’t remember a single thing about it but I gave it a 9 lol so try that out.
Shingenki no bahamut is incredible… And the op is metal af
Lmao I feel like it’s literally a different manga now. I feel like they’re just gonna age to the present.
Who’s revealed at the end? Can’t recall who that is.
That is the best part, anon.
Holy crap I thought it must’ve been cancelled or something it’s been so long
My grandma carried fresh jalapeno peppers in her purse for years so when she went out to eat she had something spicy too. That’s the story of how I ended up eating jalapenos with every meal.
Can’t believe it’s finally over. Dropped it when the author did that weird chapter where she’s like beaten up and getting choked. Crazy it has a 9.0 rating, was it just because the art was good?
I’ve loaded cash to my phone but still haven’t actually used it yet. I’m going to carry the card as backup just in case but tbh how many times has your phone died on you just as you were boarding the teianor whatever? I feel like it’s probably fine to just go full digital