Lionir [he/him]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 29th, 2022


  • I’m gonna be asking hard questions, I think, sorry about that. I hope you consider it tough love considering our past interactions.

    As an instance admin, I have some questions:

    • How are you doing? I know there was a lot of pressure when things blew up and it seems to be calming down a bit now.

    • How is Lemmy doing financially?

    • Considering past releases and their associated breaking bugs (including 0.18.3), what measures are you taking to help prevent that?

    • Can we consider the possibility of downgrades being supported?

    • Why are bugs affecting moderation not release blockers? Does anything block releases?

    • Are there plans to give instance administrators a voice in shaping the future of Lemmy’s development?

    As someone who is trying to help with Lemmy’s development, I have some other questions:

    • What do you think are the biggest problems with Lemmy as a software project and what are your priorities for Lemmy?
    • Considering fairly low amounts of developers contributing to Lemmy, how are you working to help new people get into the project?
    • Do you worry about the message it sends to potential contributors when the main developers are working on a different project which competes with the former? (Example: Lemmy-ui vs Lemmy-ui-Leptos)
    • Considering most work is done voluntarily, how are you trying to organize and prioritize work?
    • Do you believe you are stretching yourself too thin between Lemmy, Lemmy-ui, Lemmy-ui-leptos, Jerboa and If so, what are you doing to help you focus?

  • Promoting interoperability does not mean accepting bad actors. We can build something without bad actors. They can use ActivityPub and use it with people who are fine with Facebook, people don’t need to accept it though.

    Just like we can encourage the usage of HTTP and the Web without hosting and giving place to all websites on another website. For example, I have a personal website and encourage people to do so. That doesn’t mean I need to link and interact with all websites that exist.