• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Ritalin was the worst one for me; gave me headaches and was a little too “unstable” or “rough” for me. Elvanse, on the other hand, has been my favorite… smooth as butter. Thinking about switching now that they have a generic version that my insurance will probably cover

  • Even bad press is still press? I don’t have an opinion on Stonehenge yet; I’m pretty sure the art they “defaced” was only the protective casing; and I haven’t researched them enough to form a true opinion of my own

    But now I’m curious as to whether (or not) “I think” their motives are “ignorant” or somehow “nefarious” at times. I’ve seen them in the news for a while now, and I haven’t always agreed with their course of action… sometimes I believe it to be too impulsive. But they’re still doing it. They’ve forced a discussion that keeps the issue in the forefront, and now it has me wanting to look-into their situation more. And I do believe-in what they’re advocating, even if I’m not sure it’s the “correct” way to do it

    Yet here we are, talking about it. “There’s no such thing as ‘Bad Press’”, I guess? Are they right?.. maybe. Are they detracting from the plight?.. also, maybe. Am I sure of my opinion of their protests?.. no, not really. Seems like something I’ll have to read more about.

    So maybe, mission accomplished (in-progress)? Idk, but I see the merit regardless of their actions

  • I was about to say that it wouldn’t matter which way was “locked”, because his friend could easily unlock it and see what’s on the other side of that door… like, they’d need to use a keylock to keep their friend from having easy access and seeing what’s behind that door

    Took me several attempts to realize they were locking themselves in the room; for whatever relations to be interpreted. I never claimed to be a smart man

  • I helped my neighbor “fix/restore” her computer… which she had already paid someone to backup her files and clean. I showed her how to plug in her external hdd to access her documents, re-signed into her mail client, and re-installed MS Office. And that was pretty much it

    While she was looking for her MSOffice product key, I did a quick “systeminfo” in the command prompt; I was just curious about her hardware. She saw the terminal and of course made the comment of “you must be a programmer”… I absolutely am not. I have literally gotten to printf (“Hello, World!”) in C and moved on to another hobby lol

    Some people really just don’t mess with computers at all. Of course it seems silly from my perspective to not know how an external hdd works, but I mean… there’s plenty of silly shit I don’t know either. Doesn’t matter, she was stoked to have her system back up like she wanted. But yeah, that was my most recent encounter with someone who really struggled with computers. No shame, cause she surely knows a lot about some stuff that I’m clueless about.

    I did install Firefox with ublock just for my own use while I was there, because I refused to use Edge. Maybe she’ll keep it

  • Going through it right now, after renting the same place for literally 10 years. I was out of state for work when my landlords told me they were selling it. They gave me extra time, because for one month of the notice I would be out of state… but it suuucks. Had to come home after my contract ended and immediately scramble.

    Just signed a new lease (the market is fucking rough) and am now trying to condense a decade of of my life. It’ll be nice to have everything sorted and condensed and my dogs will have a bigger yard now… but fuck me, it wasn’t something I was ready to just jump into. But c’est la vie I guess

  • MrShankles@reddthat.comto> Greentext@lemmy.mlIkea
    1 year ago

    I have an antique entertainment cabinet that I nicknamed “the burden” that was given to me for my first apartment. It’s heavy as all fuck, has tried to kill me everytime I’ve moved, doesn’t fit a TV larger than like 32", and nobody wants to buy it. It makes a great piece for an aquarium setup, but has now been relegated to storing junk since I had to give up the aquarium

    I’m moving at the end of the month for the first time in a decade, and it sure as hell ain’t coming with me. I’ll try to sell it, I’ll give it away, or I’ll trash it; but it will no longer be my burden. Hopefully someone wants to come get it, because it really might last forever and I’d hate to see it just trashed. But I refuse to be it’s keeper any longer

  • Ah you think dark memes are your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn’t see a doge meme until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding!

    I’ve been a ruined man for a long time. Anne Frank herself couldn’t escape the things I have seen