Here, though i’m not sure it is decent, i’m not very versed in poetry, especially when not in Polish.
Here, though i’m not sure it is decent, i’m not very versed in poetry, especially when not in Polish.
A poem on Stalin’s death “This day” by Polish literary noblist, Wisława Szymborska (she got A LOT of flak for it after 1989, if not for nobel she would probably get shut up and forgotten):
Ten dzień (wiersz o śmierci Stalina W. Szymborska)
Jeszcze dzwonek, ostry dzwonek w uszach brzmi.
Kto u progu? Z jaką wieścią, i tak wcześnie?
Nie chcę wiedzieć. Może ciągle jestem we śnie.
Nie podejdę, nie otworzę drzwi.
Czy to ranek na oknami, mroźna skra
tak oślepia, że dokoła patrzę łzami?
Czy to zegar tak zadudnił sekundami.
Czy to moje własne serce werbel gra?
Póki nikt z was nie wypowie pierwszych słów,
brak pewności jest nadzieją, towarzysze…
Milczę. Wiedzą, że to czego nie chcę słyszeć -
muszę czytać z pochylonych głów.
Jaki rozkaz przekazuje nam
na sztandarach rewolucji profil czwarty?
Pod sztandarem rewolucji wzmacniać warty!
Wzmocnić warty u wszystkich bram!
Oto Partia - ludzkości wzrok.
Oto Partia: siła ludów i sumienie.
Nic nie pójdzie z jego życia w zapomnienie.
Jego Partia rozgarnia mrok.
Niewzruszony drukarski znak
drżenia ręki mej piszącej nie przekaże,
nie wykrzywi go ból, łza nie zmaże.
A to słusznie. A to nawet lepiej tak.
Still no argument, just clowning and laughing at yourself, cracker.
So you are just backpedaling and trying the other path. You got enough reading and listening posted by other people but you are still trying? How about you answer with actual argument instead of cracker concern trolling and emotional blackmail? But to entertain you for a second, i would told Truman to fuck off and accept their original surrender proposition. I would also stab him, maybe it would save millions of people, mostly in Korea.
Finally, your moral asspull attempt is made even further invalid by the fact that Japan surrendered nearly a month after bombs that’s a month of further “killing my loved ones” in which America did not dropped even more atom bombs? Why if those were what forced japan to “immediately” stop killing?
Curious, are you claiming that except the tens of thousands of civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki the bomb also vaporised every single Japanese war criminal in every point of China, Korea etc?
Or are you less literal, just again with no further arguments other than “it did because it did” backpedaling to the original claim OP is challenging?
Probably not, but after something like 2 decade of zombie shit everywhere i will take ANYTHING over it. Also there are good isekai, bad isekai and chinese isekai where the only thing coming of it is the protagonist using modern Earth idioms and perfectly assimilating otherwise.
Yeah, chapter 1448 released literally today on agregates lol.
Yeah when i want some long run i go for xianxia manhuas, for mangas i got used for them to top in few dozens chapters then die off, with few exceptions (like Hajime no Ippo which somehow is still going on except plot being dead fish for a long time now)
Somehow I didn’t think about the fact that being on the Titanic sinking would be a pretty pivotal memory in someone’s life lol.
Thanks to the Polish writer Andrzej Pilipiuk when i hear anything about Titanic sinking first thing i think is that it sunk because a moonshine aparature exploded in cargo hold and they just lied about iceberg because they weren’t insured for that.
Will try, thank for recommendation (also like OP i love Berserk but Gantz was simply boring for me).
What the hell is even that premise of the story lol
Or worse, Lady Macbeth
Yup, don’t need most of the alchemy you would need to not die from Kagrenac Tools.
That isn’t a speedrun, if you meet the antagonist early on, it’s nearly always scripted and you can’t die.
Well, unless it’s Dagoth Ur, he wait at you at all times. Whenever you’re ready, Nerevar. Come to him, though fire and war. Fastest speedrun was like not even 10 minutes.
Bloody hell lmao
How did they do it??
Oh that’s simple. Ikea founder sold his soul to the devil. He didn’t included the assembly manual though and thus Ikea still functions.
I need to survive for 3 days without pooping, and eating as little as possible. I can pee, but not very often. It can’t take up too much space. What food do I pack?
Please stop asking because I am not telling anyone the reason.
I mean, working overtime in Amazon is no shame
Anime, but manga is less tiring and i can read at my pace. Also there is way less fillers in mangas.
CW slur spoiler