“I’m gonna make a sunny-side-up egg for my toast today”
cracks egg, yolk shatters into 10,000 pieces when it hits the pan
“I’m making scrambled eggs today.”
Skill issue, tbh
Senior Chief Petty Officer. Starfleet is in my blood, and I’ve spent my entire adult life in service to boldly going.
Keiko and Molly are my favorite humans, but Transporter Room 3 will always be my favorite.
Just don’t ask who what’s in the pattern buffer.
“I’m gonna make a sunny-side-up egg for my toast today”
cracks egg, yolk shatters into 10,000 pieces when it hits the pan
“I’m making scrambled eggs today.”
Skill issue, tbh
The worst fucking game I’ve ever played.
30-something years invested and I have fuckall to show for it.
Damn, the only people I want to share this with who would understand it, would be offended.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know your trigger was s*y milk, do you need a safe space to calm down before facing the big scary coffee shop again?”
A proper response to someone giving you shit about soy milk or almond milk or any other type.
Or anyone who parrots Republicans and their AnTi-wOkEnEsS lines.
But that isn’t the criteria they’re working with in any news report or court case, is it?
If I draw up some plans on a napkin with crayon, make my thing based on that, and “QC” says all the parts are to spec, and it fails and looks like shit in the process… I would say that is FAR more improvised than the guy making a pipe bomb out of hardware store supplies that’s set off by a complex electronic custom timer/signal receiver.
I do get your point, I’m just being slightly ridiculous for humor’s sake.
It’s all entirely “did someone make this in a factory with government approval or not”
Y’know… In this hypothetical news story/court case…
Yeah, but to be fair, those were smallish nukes, and we only saw those go up against large bugs.
Not a net or trident in sight.
Not a fair comparison.
Every extreme sport is insane if you dissect it with rational thought about human frailty.
It’s great!
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go strip to thin breathable cloth so I can tear along the countryside at speeds humans weren’t designed to travel at, while dodging trees, bushes, occasional wildlife, roots and rocks, hoping my air filled donut bladders don’t rupture and none of the welds on my metal stick give out. Once I’m done I’ll cool off with a nice downhill roll, rivaling the cheetah on speed.
Mountain biking.
That said… Caves are one of those places I’d love to go to one someday but it won’t be relaxing for me. They can be scary as FUCK. Don’t even get me started on cave diving. Those people are insane and in need of therapy.
And for the same production value and some brightly colored spandex, so can you!
Never underestimate how many ways you can dress up a rock quarry. Just ask the members of SG-1
“Is there AIR? YOU DON’T KNOW!”
There’s plenty in improvised weaponry that can maim or kill you if not done properly,
the only way to find out is from people beforehand passing on knowledge, firsthand experience, or being really good at brainstorming.
You’d probably figure it out before you went to throw, unfortunately if you’re rushed (like in active combat areas) you don’t always have the luxury of time to figure things out.
Mine can, a little bit.
The trickier question is “can blacksmith forges coopt disaster for massive government overreach and restricting of privacy” but that’s way less catchy for the conspiracy theorists.
My forge can melt steel, but I don’t like it to. So I don’t crank it to full unless I’m using my burners for metal casting.
You want to get steel hot enough to glow, then it’s easier to smash into shape with a hammer and anvil. If it melts on you, well the piece is now fucked, especially if you wanted to make something hardenable like a knife.
There’s entire sections of metallurgy dedicated to this kind of thing. It’s pretty neat.
Throw to the side, sometimes called “sidearm” throw.
A properly prepared in advance molotov isn’t going to break or open while you throw, but improvised ones are often unsealed and can spill mid-throw.
If you go up and over your back, like a baseball or snowball throw, you risk burning liquids falling onto your back and head.
By swinging over to the side, left or right depending on which hand you throw with, any risk is sent to the side of you. So be careful your don’t burn your buddies legs, too.
I’ve got matches, about 40 lighters, 3 propane torches, and two burners used in a blacksmith forge that can make quite impressive flames reaching 2,000 degrees.
And I also know how to make and (properly) throw molotovs, so that’s always fun to show off at parties.
His entire style was just to cover up the fact that he couldn’t draw cats… Amazing and 100% completely not made up fact.
I’m sure plenty of nazis were afraid of losing their jobs. In the end, they “just followed orders”.
Circadian? Is that like a clown circus act?
My wife works nights and is mostly alone all night, so I try to stay up late so she has someone to talk to. Unfortunately I also have a shifting schedule that changes every week, so I can’t ever get into a sleeping pattern.
Without fail and regardless of what time I went to sleep, every day between 630-7am I wake up. And if I’ve had more than 4 hours of total sleep, there’s 0 chance of me going back to sleep no matter how tired I feel.
My body is a MACHINE. It’s BREAKING DOWN and things FALL OUT of it sometimes.
Dozens of people have gotten a chuckle out of this over the years. dozens!