She/Her fediverse n00b girl here ^ - ^ ((hugs))

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • Nobody should be put through that. Employers should pay you and everyone a living wage. Work should, seriously not be needed for survival in my eyes, but something that is done, purely for passion or fun. Our society should set goals to push to eliminate capitalism as long term goal and in shorter term work to end systemic issues such as what you described how you were treated badly, how other workers are treated badly, how peoples lives are ruined when they lose their jobs. I’m on your side on improving this.

  • So, you are engaging in ad hominem towards me. This is not an appropriate way to handle a situation like this. You said you agreed that things should change, let’s focus on ways that we can change things for the better from a systemic manner, instead of supporting capitalist ruling classes who don’t care for us average poor people and engaging in ad hominem personal attacks please.

    you are most certainly AH

    This is not ok, i am talking from a systemic place and encouraging change to the entire system, employees should work purely for passion and not out of need in my eyes, employees who work in our current system should be paid well by their employees. Tipping should not be a requirement for customers, please stop with name calling.

  • So will AITA if I don’t tip? Is it really my personal responsibility to make sure my server is paid enough?

    ABSOLUTELY NOT Don’t let anybody tell you otherwise. It is and should be employers job to pay their workers a living wage in a rich country not the buyers.

    Culturally, there will be people who will look down on or say nasty things to you if they find out you do not/did not tip. This happened to me. Some of the nasty comments (these are not said by the employees) people say are "The employees will remember this and may spit in your food or tamper with it in some way next time you order, which has got to be illegal for health code reasons for employees to do and is guilt tripping on the person who says this comment. Not only that, but those who say such awful things are continuing the nasty treatment of employees by the ruling class by saying such nasty remarks.

    With all that said, until things change, for sake of the underpaid employees, please tip just know you don’t have too. If they treat you kindly and respectfully, tip, if not, smallest tip possible.