It’s just really cold outside, ok?
It’s just really cold outside, ok?
Once I installed Linux Mint on my home desktop, I’m pretty sure I never booted into windows again. It was only a few weeks before I made a copy of everything on that windows SSD then formatted it to ext4 to have some additional fast storage for editing stuff.
I find Linux Mint so much nicer to use than windows. It is one of the most full-featured distros yet it moves like lightning in comparison. You can feel the difference you get when decades of development are driven by the desire to make good software rather than 37 different battling priorities within one of the world’s largest corporations.
And being full-featured does not mean it is dumbed down. It is good for experienced users too. I’m a software engineer that works on embedded Linux systems. On my work laptop I’ve been running Mint for over a year and it works beautifully. It’s still Linux, the command line is still there, and you can customize whatever you want to.
Worth it. Some of those dim bulbs are still kind people who are great to be around.
And they match up perfectly with the two sexual orientations. Cisgendered heterosexual and political.
(Said by a cishet white male in the US, damn it)
The brown person thing was me referring to them being “socially liberal,” so they would share the same water fountain – or boot – as somebody of another race.
That quote refers to the “socially liberal and fiscally conservative” label that they like to use. Because part of the fun is saying that you love everybody and have no hate in your heart, but you definitely don’t want to spend any money or enforce any regulations to help people’s lives.
I remember those innocent days when I considered myself a libertarian. If you aren’t part of a marginalized group, and you consider yourself smart and responsible, AND most importantly assume that other libertarians are arguing in good faith with good priorities, some of what they say can seem to make a lot of sense.
But then when you look at the real-world motivations and results, they start to look like people who are down to to smoke weed while licking the same boot as a brown person.
Gendered bathrooms should not need to exist because bathrooms should have some dammed privacy.
In the US, there’s a door for boys and one for girls. Behind each is a giant room with some sinks and some toilets that may as well be using cardboard and tinfoil for privacy.
Go somewhere more pleasant like Sweden? You have a short hallway with 3 or 4 doors on each side, and behind each is a small restroom including a sink and a mirror.
Every real and maga-hallucinated bathroom problem largely solved.
From the condescending opening line to the blatant straw man, it almost sounds like you’re replying to the wrong comment.
I would guess it’s actually more likely in memes and stories, because using a similar name will help the more smooth brained readers follow along.
Look at Constantine over here, cursed to live.
That’s a whole part of my cynical conservative upbringing that I have to consciously work against.
You can’t do the obvious thing you’re SUPPOSED to do. What are you, some kind of sucker and/or [gay slur]?
Yep, this study would have to divide things up by age. As a fellow member of the Oregon Trail generation, all my early computers were also Apple ][ and b&w macs. But then eventually by young adulthood it all turned into PCs.
I enjoyed a stint with Solaris in college (that’s SUN Solaris thankyouverymuch) which I consider my true intro to Linux/posix/whatever-ix.
Many humans saw it and said “ooh, look at that natural beauty!”
Some humans saw it and said “ooh, look at those resources I can profit from!”
That is the hyperbolic caricature conservatives apply in their head, sure.
It’s a pretty common approach to complicated issues.
Yeah I didn’t comment on the “person A paying for person B” technicality because that’s always part of the deal. It happens with private insurance too. If the lowest paid worker at a company is healthy, and the billionaire CEO has a multitude of health problems, then if they’re using the same company insurance the poor person is paying for the rich person. It doesn’t matter that they’re paying the same premiums — the healthy poor person is getting less out than they paid in, and the sick rich person is getting more out than they paid in.
You also have to consider that the healthcare is worth a lot more money to the billionaire than the homeless guy. Just like the roads and the protection of the armed forces worth more money to him. I’m sure the billionaire is a fan of price discrimination too, conveniently enough!
Unfortunately i think “Medical privacy” is going to scream “abortion” to your target audience.
Normally I’m the type to wax philosophical for a few paragraphs about what the heck may be going on in their heads, but honestly I think it’s assholes being proud to be assholes. Punching down just feels so good. That and people who are suffering enough that they don’t care about others, but don’t realize they need to work on their mental health. Or they’ve been conditioned to see doing that as a character flaw or weakness. And of course the snowball effect of those people raising the next generation of assholes, building up some inertia behind the generational trauma.
Because underlying it all, regardless of which impactful arguments they think they are making or refuting, they just don’t want to be nice to people that are different.