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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • Yeah sure but then if you dig down into the standard model of particle physics and quantum field theory to get the REAL answers, you learn that this phone I’m trying not to drop on my face is just a bunch of energy field waves kind of intersecting and coupling in just the right way and… shit nevermind. It’s magic all the way down.

  • One way to think of it is that if photovoltaics are cheap and efficient enough to be used in general all over the grid and be worth the investment, then if you’re building a structure with the sole purpose of blocking the sun it may be a good candidate!

    Plus since the cost involves a large investment of capital over a long period of time, revenue from the energy generated might make it profitable at the end of her day.

  • It’s so ridiculous that part of me always thinks it must be a cynical evil distraction while all they really care about is continuing to transfer wealth from those already with less to those already with more. Because of course decent people care way more about human rights than a couple percentage points in their tax rate.

    But I guess it doesn’t matter what truly motivates these supposed puppet masters when the hate around the world is very real.

  • It’s such a bother every July when the LGBT+ agenda steamrolls in and destroys my decades of marriage and traditional looking dad/mom/child family. All because they’re different and don’t like that we exist.

    Oh wait, I mean the complete opposite of that, because I give a shit about people and don’t run my life on fear, hate, and ignorance.

    Godspeed flattening the Christian values though.

  • I think you’re probably right, but I also suspect that the upvote button avoids a lot of “this” and “you are so right” replies burying the substantive ones. It’s certainly kept me from making low value or redundant replies in the past.

    It’s also interesting to occasionally scroll though my post history and see which comments struck a nerve with fellow lemmings. It’s a secondary simplified version of the social interactions and discussions here.