This is clearly fake. If it had really happened at least one person would have called them a slur and downvoted their entire post history, then they would have been permabanned from 7 different subreddits.
You’re missing pulling something out of their comment history without any context.
Are we really going to listen to a guy who said this?
Neither the Orion Syndicate nor the Ferengi Alliance are members of the Federation.
Note: I literally picked one at random and feel like I got the best non-sequitur available.
Honestly, I can’t trust anyone who says:
Defaults to int if I’m not mistaken.
Can anyone in their right mind realy trust someone who said this:
Probably even brought out the fresh toilet paper for the loo’s.
You’re the one to talk. How could I possibly trust someone who says this?
Everybody older than me is old and basicly dead,
What a hypocrite. You’re talking about trust and saying things like this?!
Why should I trust you when you say shit like this:
vote on us or Russia will eat you
Why should I trust you when you say shit like this: > vote on us or Russia will eat you
No, they got a point there…
i had the experience of someone recently threatening to kill me or something if i was doxxed, i then promptly told them to go doxx me.
I was very disappointed to learn that they didn’t doxx me.
Now-now it’s Reddit - he might have posted on one of the subs that people monitor with bots and silently autoban you from other subs for having ever participated in the offending sub. So he might very well have been Perma banned from 7 other subs for the comment, whether it was up voted, downvoted or totally ignored.
This happens on Lemmy as well.
Better yet: on Lemmy it doesn’t matter if you’re right or wrong, support yourself with facts or have someone else do it, admit mistake or not…if what you post isn’t in alignment with the overall masses, it’s
jaildownvotes.You’d think this would only happen on political subjects. But nope, got downvoted today for commenting on Godzilla buoyancy.
Well, is he buoyant or not?
Apparently. But the discussion was about how he achieves his buoyancy. But if you’d like to downvote my responses, feel free to pick any comment from my recent history.
Imma upvote just to spite you then
Should have been lazy like me and just posted a picture of a duck. Lol
I thought your comments were interesting.
🙏 Bless!
I thought he had really long expandable legs.
Make a comment about something other than beans or jeans?
Believe it or not, straight to jail.
Thats something entirely different though. Using votes to show disagreement/agreement makes sense as a tool of democratic communication. This goes for comments that contain statements.
OP describes a “jail” type of usage, where there is nothing to disagree but people downvote amyways (to feel superior maybe), wich sucks cause it reads like hate
right to jail
The default lemmy client allows hiding all votes though. And it doesn’t seem like the comments are sorted by their votes.
or you’re just buried in bullshit copypasta from lemmygrad
This getting downvoted 🤌
Trust me, bro
It happened to me when I mistakenly said that people with “ski” endings to their surname are Jewish Poles when it in fact apparently only means they have Polish ancestry and nothing about their religion lol
FYI: Not only polish ancestry. The suffix -ski (feminine: -ska), has been restricted to the nobility.
It does for sure, but not as often in my experience. Reddit is just entirely full of teenagers now that think the downvote button is a dislike button
And on any other platform with similar demographics that has a downvote option. Luckily magical internet points don’t matter and the worst that can happen is your comment gets hidden.
If you are attached to whether you’re attracting downvotes or upvotes you are setting yourself for disappointment for no reason. Just say your thing.
I agree with you 100%. Have a downvote.
I agree 100%. It just sucks when I go out of my way to post a thoughtfully-worded comment so I can positively contribute to Lemmy, only to have someone nitpick my comment and reply with an “Um, aktshually” and a downvote. The downvote brigading on Lemmy seems even more punitive than it was on Reddit; of course this varies largely depending on the post’s subject matter and instance.
You see, the problem is that you’re genuinely concerned by virtual points
His problem is that he’s wrong.
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Also, not having a total karma count kinda makes up/down vote ratio on any individual comment or post irrelevant
This depends on your client. A lot of them hide responses in the same way Reddit did.
That’s because -5 was the default threshold for a comment being automatically hidden on reddit. Most people never bothered to change the setting.
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I can’t even see downvotes on here and I quite like it. If someone can’t be bothered to actually tell me why I’m wrong I don’t care much about their opinion anyway.
If I remember the ancient days correctly, you were supposed to downvote incorrect info so it wouldn’t appear at the top? You weren’t supposed to downvote if you disagreed but if it was wrong info? Am I hallucinating that?
Those were still the rules when I left last year. People will upvote misinformation in the face of proof on there and here on lemmy.
If a platform puts arrow buttons on everything people say, and tell you that up means you get “points”, it’s a social metric. At this point if you’re trying to create a consensus metric, you’ll have to think of something else. It’s too ingrained in us.
This kind of information is all suppressed now, but early on when Facebook only had likes, there was a lot of discussion on how downvotes weren’t really needed. It was believed that people engaged more with content they enjoyed, and ignored unfavorable content.
This is wildly wrong. People obsessively engage with content they hate, to the extent that it probably makes more sense to only have a down vote button. Everyone knows that now, and the big sites uses psychological studies funded by casinos to gamify engagement, entirely in the pursuit of click-pennies.
What do votes mean? On lemmy it seems nothing. On other sites they mean revenue for the owners.
Except youtube, because dislikes were only used to call out scams and ads. The ad people got mad and now misinformation is easier to spread.
I wouldn’t say ‘only’. There were a lot of downvoted things that were just controversial.
Yes, there were, and for the most part YT promoted those dislikes the same as likes. I think they still do. The dislikes they actually removed were the visible ones, the ones people could use to steer clear of ads and scams.
I have never cared for human nature. It’s tedious at best and often ghastly. We should all concern ourselves much more with human nurture.
To put it plainly, we should not be letting corporations do research on how to manipulate our most base instincts on social media. That would have been a moderate solution a century ago. Now we would need a more radical approach, such as outlawing most forms of advertising content and social media manipulation. And even raising the topic probably makes me sound insane.
Lemmy has no total score anymore, so the up and down votes only matter in the topic layer. I think that’s the best solution rn. There’s no big incentive any longer to point farm.
but also no disincentive to troll.
Also even when some are trolling, the up/down vote will not gain/lose attention for the troll. Trolls love attention.
The lack of karma means participation is there not whether it is a troll or regular.
Unless it is spam, almost no one is punished/rewarded for participating.
On Lemmy there is disincentive to troll right? If you’re being too much of a troll you might get thrown out of your instance for making it look bad. Unless you selfhost of course. I’m not sure why botspam from selfhosted lemmy’s is not a bigger problem to be honest. You can deferate them but it’s easy to make new ones.
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You were supposed to upvote the best version of each argument/position or additional info and downvote the rest. Instead the site is the most popular opinion presented 6 different ways.
Once the hive mind takes over and the downvote train starts it’s all but impossible to turn your post positive regardless of contrition. It’s unfortunate because it removes some incentive to publicly self-correct.
The public voting system is massively flawed when it comes to websites and sharing content. Since anyone who really wants visibility can just pay any number of services to boost their posts and comments, you have no idea what’s real and you have no idea what the general public actually supports.
For the average person who doesn’t think about what’s going on behind the scenes, it looks like an accurate representation of society’s interests and leanings. This is probably why we have a sharp uptick of far-right assholes and why so many young guys are turning towards sexist, racist figures online. The very same people who also proudly talk about how good they are at manipulating people. Hmmn.
This should be less true for lemmy, instance admins have very direct access to server logs so they should directly be able to see say, a batch of bot accounts signing up and starting a voting ring.
This is why so many people edit their comments that are wrong and get corrected by someone else to say EDIT: CORRECTED BELOW or something, to prevent mindless downvotes from lazy people not reading the full chain of comments. Personally I think it’s worse like that but I can see why they do it if they care about karma.
I prefer people do that than either delete the comment, or edit the original. Otherwise the comment chain makes no sense, and people don’t get a chance to learn from the original incorrect comment.
Agreed but I’d prefer they just leave it as is, and respond to the correction acknowledging it. That way the original comment and responses are there for everyone to read. Only LLMs are going to be confused by that!
Anyone still check on Reddit? It’s getting pretty conservative over there.
I mean compared to Lemmy most spaces are getting conservative
I believe the term you’re looking for is FOSS fundamentalist communists 😅
Heck, I often find Lemmy too conservative but its nothing as bad as reddit.
I have not seen one conservative take on Lemmy that wasn’t down voted into oblivion. Lemmy has got some libs and some actual leftists, but I imagine most of the conservative servers have defederated by now.
Go to literally any politcal subs here. Its just tons of genocide approval and conservative economics
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I stay away from what all I call bummer topics because mentally, I just can’t take it anymore. I’m 38, and im already done with this life and the constant bullshit that the people in power do. So I just look at cute animals, video games, macro photography stuff, and stuff like that.
If I give any kind of opinion I can understand downvotes on a comment of mine, but the totally innocuous ones that get downvoted are always funny.
i think it’s just herd mentality. People see downvotes and then go “yeah downvote bad, me grug, me downvote comment also”
the amount of posts i saw about some negative thing that had comments that were like “i almost downvoted this” was concerning.
Often there are multiple ways to interpret a poster’s intentions, and if you see a heavily downvoted comment you will automatically assume the worst.
yup, but it should also come as no surprise to most people with more than about, 3 iq. That the votes on a post mean almost nothing other than “what other people thought about it” because other people are known to have very reasonable and normal opinions en masse.
My favorite random downvotes on Reddit were the threads where for some damned reason a single reply that often said the same thing as the others, or continued some chain, would get absolutely obliterated.
I have made some bold political takes and gotten burned.
But I have also mentioned I could afford to buy a case of beer coming home from work 15 years ago, and likewise been burned.
This fuckin guy
The fool! He has fallen for the oldest trap there is
Yep, it’s one of the most annoying thing about the site.
Yeah, good thing Lemmy is so much… better…
It’s definitely something
Of all the entities that exist on the internet, this is by far one of them.
I think it is a little bit. People who own up and admit to their mistake shouldn’t be downvoted. Everyone makes mistakes, but it’s not always easy to admit. That’s why sharing sources is important too
“Shouldn’t be” is unfortunately not the same as “isn’t”
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So far a lot of the people I’ve interacted here have been more dense than reddit, I mean, a lot of the people here have been banned from reddit after all.
I mean, so was I. But it was for quoting someone’s use of a slur so they couldn’t edit it, then evading that bullshit ban. Apparently when you actively call out nazis and sexist assholes the powers that be will find a way to make you regret it.
Lemmy is 100% more toxic then reddit.
That’s usually the radical leftists who prioritize ideology and loyalty to the cause.
You are so cool for being able to point out political ideology you don’t like, you’re cool.
edit: I also love how I just said “nazis and sexists” and this clown goes “Oh yeah, the left is bad too!” Bruh, doesn’t that say something right there that you assumed it was a political attack?
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Lemmy and most sites are a lot better when you turn off likes/votes/whatever arbitrary number they call it. I don’t really give a shit how many people like/dislike something.
I think you’re probably right, but I also suspect that the upvote button avoids a lot of “this” and “you are so right” replies burying the substantive ones. It’s certainly kept me from making low value or redundant replies in the past.
It’s also interesting to occasionally scroll though my post history and see which comments struck a nerve with fellow lemmings. It’s a secondary simplified version of the social interactions and discussions here.
My experience on Reddit was the same, but maybe I didn’t hang out in the bad spots
Lemmy isn’t immune, I had a recent encounter that rubbed me wrong recently in a redditish way. It’s quickly gone downhill here, I’m sure before too long, just like reddit I’ll turn to lurk only then go away as the posts themselves become mostly intolerable.
I’ve been feeling like it’s been getting better, not worse. But maybe I’m not engaging in the posts where my thoughts are seen as controversial anymore.
Possibly, it’s a shark tank, be positive, never any nuanced opinions, keep swimming forward in the pack and you are ok. Any blood in the water and you get torn apart. Most people are genuinely nice but the amount of terrible and loud people online is frightening and/or depressing.
I can agree with that. I think the discussions in the niche communities are way better than the ones happening at the top of my All feeds so I would encourage anyone to just stick to their favorite communities, understand what is or isn’t acceptable there, and just lurk in the big communities.
It’s all the toxic moderation thats turning lemmy into reddit 2.0. You can’t be blunt because it hurts some removed boy’s feelings
Is it though?
so join a new instance and try again?
Or a shark tank with no moderation at all; I’m looking at you, c/technology
Removed by mod
worldwide skill issue…the devil has a silver tongue
I finally managed to cop a permanent ban. I’ve been running around telling every dick head moderator what I think of them for the last year
yeah thats most of the internet for you.
Unless you’re shitposting, or actually on a good topic, it’s an absolute clusterfuck of a place.