Yeah but like the net benefit is I don’t want to give up my spot on this suffocating existence for a few minutes.
Yeah but like the net benefit is I don’t want to give up my spot on this suffocating existence for a few minutes.
I just want to point out that this is typical. Even when we’re blaming someone or something for all the bullshit we still can’t agree.
Getting the “lets assume this isn’t AI” out of the way:
I am somehow extremely disappointed that people who support this obviously corrupt and evil little man also have talents like art, and music, and probably others.
Man, 10 years ago I was in the middle leaning Left. Now I am so far left most ideas from the Right feel atrocious. I mean, they are…you know what I mean though.
Pride and projection, with a healthy cultural component. It usually takes a generation for values to catch up. Not much different than the asian dad stereotype, except with a primarily physical component.
We might actually find that hilarious in another timeline.
It’s simple, yes?
We are born to live and in living eventually die. What we do during life makes no difference to us after we are gone, so far as we know. Therefore, in life we find reason to do. In doing, we find purpose. In purpose we find contentment. In contentment we find peace.
Thus life is just a goal to live the best we are able and find ways to be content in that life. This is why there isn’t a universal answer: What contentment looks like changes from person to person.
What she means, and perhaps you already know this, is that helping is sometimes not sought, but instead given to the unwilling and not wanting. Growth only occurs in greater steps when failure is an option. Helping stunts that progress.
My favorite random downvotes on Reddit were the threads where for some damned reason a single reply that often said the same thing as the others, or continued some chain, would get absolutely obliterated.
puts on tinfoil hat
Jessica Fletcher actually causes you to question your entire identity several weeks before suddenly hopping on a train and attending a book signing event she set up without her publicist knowing. Then when she arrives she bumps into one of your friends nowhere near the signing event, manipulates the conversation into talking about you, figures out where you work, shows up and claims that she was just passing by. After a couple days of back and forths while she tells everyone within earshot it was such a coincidence she was there at that time she, quite literally the night before her departure, tells you your life story and convinces you on the spot that you are indeed trans.
First time I experienced this exact sentiment was years ago playing Dynasty Tactics.
99% chance to hit?
Realize devs forgot to include the decimal. 90.1% chance of exploding.
Nah man, there would be some form of cultural disdain for types of tails. It would become another form of racism. Got your culture, looks, skin color, etc and at the end “tail type”. There would be whole sociocultural wars started over tail length. People would go around hiding their tails claiming fashion forward practices to fit in.
Politicians would claim bus seats with holes aren’t safe in order to put down the people who primarily use them. Activist groups would come out saying that pants with openings for tail comfort goes against the teachings of the Great Tailed God. Eventually there would be a change towards equality, though never justice. Beneath the false peace people would still be whispering and somehow those few with the “nicest” tails, born into fabulously-tailed families, would always have more privilege and often not understand how having a different tail can be an automatic disadvantage.
First time seeing this.
Don’t make the same mistake Reddit did. Not all of us are degens on here 24/7.
Oooh no you don’t. You can’t do the shitty Manager thing and try to toss this back at me. Answer your own question.
How do you expect Trump to do as President if he wins?
I’m going to point out something else that, unfortunately, will feel like an attack to some, though I hope my viewpoint is sound:
Taylor Swift is a product of an industry supported by us. Maybe not you, the reader, specifically, though by a couple billion around the world, across often only dozens of artists. That is entertainment. That is the industry. A byproduct and need of this career is travel and you certainly aren’t taking a sailboat across the Atlantic to meet deadlines. Now, I am not blaming us. As always it is the industry and those expectations that should be blamed. We are a tiny part of a larger, global issue, though discriminated against and blamed due to our lack of individual authority. Gaslighting is a hell of a drug.
So while I can question Swift’s initial amount of private flights, I will also point out that her hopping in a plane is likely akin to us driving a car, in the essence of usage of resources. We all use in excess to some degree and she did dial it back. That alone is important. Finally, I want to call out the bandwagoners and the envious.
I haven’t knowingly listened to a single Taylor Swift song. Not sure I could name one tbh. Though for all the energy those of you who are envious put into criticism of what I can tell is one of the lesser evils amongst the many billionaires ruining this planet, you could be doing more and better. I’ll admit, many of the memes were rather funny and dunking on someone with the wealth to afford a team of private therapists can be enjoyable, it has bothered me that we leaned so hard on seemingly (so far) the one wealth enjoyer with a bit of empathy.
Anyway, on the toilet at work. So if you need a reason for this there you go. lol I recognize that I probably don’t have all the info. Plenty of people will likely come out with some nitpicked story or article or claim. On the scope of actual problems though? Taylor isn’t one of them, I feel. At least not yet. Hopefully not ever.
Sure. Though that doesn’t change the shittiness at all. It just represents the issue the loudest, and one that occurs in more places than just the U.S.: Abysmal working conditions and shitty bosses. Forgive me for pointing out something I think everyone already understands, though we are part of a global economy. To create effective change we should also act as a global force to promote those changes.
In a perfect world, at least. Sadly, problems on our own doorstep takes away a lot of energy to do just that.
In the U.S. you might lose your job if you don’t. One missed alarm.
Good luck.
Mister Mosquito 2, anyone?
Good point. It’s not as if there is ‘No way to prevent this,’ Says only nation where this regularly happens.
Children are being shot and there is a much higher chance of these kids needing this plate than literally anywhere else that isn’t an active warzone. That statistic alone should say enough. This IS a problem and we should not downplay that fact.